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          Bob wasn't fazed by the rain, as usual

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          Bob wasn't fazed by the rain, as usual. The weather only got worse as Jake, Ariel, and Bob flew. Thunder boomed from afar, Lighting flashing right before. A wave crashed into a rock, then recoiled back into the dark, pitch black seas which looked like a void, Jake briefly glancing down at the sea foam succumbing into the waters. Ariel still lay asleep in his arms, how could she sleep so suddenly in this situation? Sometimes, Ariel could just effortlessly freak Jake out. Towers of rocks loomed closer as Jake flew by them. One tower was targeted by another wave which crashed into it, exposing its cold sea foam and splashing it on the trio. Jake shielded Ariel's face witch his hand, then shielding his own but turning his head to the opposite direction. Bob roared at the sudden splash, before returning back to normal. Why did Ariel have to go out this far? Sure, she wanted to put her new pair of legs to good use, but would put time out of somebody else's day to bad use.

       Jake dove right, dodging a patch of hectic waves. Bob screeched again, Jake knew it jade to be the last time he would for the flight. Bob landed on the sand, his talons digging into the ground. Jake hopped off Bob, then took hold of Ariel. Bob lifted off the ground, returning back into the large tree which centered the village. Jake was back in the pod as soon as possible, the family sitting around it. However, Spider was surprisingly there. Kiri was the first to stand up, rushing over to see Ariel's condition. She covered her mouth once she saw Ariel's eyes closed, she looked up at Jake,
              "Is she..?" She said, her eyes widening with surprise. Everyone's eyes were on Jake, waiting for a response. Jake, surprised, replied,
              "What? No, never no!" He yelled as if he was offended, Starting Kiri, she felt a bit of surprise with a mix of relaxation at the thought of Ariel being alive.  Jake sighed, before setting Ariel in a vacant spot for her to be, "She's unwell from the rain, no one can allow her to leave until she gets better," she demanded, especially towards Lo'ak, "Got it?" Lo'ak nodded. Jake turned to Kiri, "Could you fix some medicine for her?" He asked, Kiri accepted right away as she seeks a bowl.
Tamika swiveled to avoid the harpoons lunging at her, the demon ship was on her tail. Tamika dove deeper into the depths of the sea, until the light was more dim. Crab suits held on to seaweed as an actual crab would, looking closer to Tamika. She took a sharp left, then looked back to see if they were behind her. Except she was taken by surprise when another crab suit had almost caught her. She swerved downward, now she had two Humans chasing after her. As the chase stretched on, Tamika screamed when a net scooped her up, leaving her with no escape. She tugged on the thin thread of the net as the surface light became brighter. She surface, shielding her face from the suns warmth and blinding light. She was high in the sky, due to the Ikran above her, flapping its wings while a strong boom sounded from the wings.

             She plopped into the floor of the sea dragon, untangling the net. She broke from, scrambling for the edge of the ship, but was soon caught by the fin and was being dragged back hastily. She glared at her new enmities, who towered above her. Some were Blue and stripped, taller than the humans. Tamika, caught in a trance, scooted away, then started flopping her tail at the aliens.
"Go away, get away from me you monsters!" She shrieked, but her confidence was fading away as the sky people crept closer. They seemed to be marveling her, like they had never seen her kind before, unlike the humans she knew, the once who killed her mother, but she thought it was weird how they didn't drive a spear through her chest the second she made contact with the ship. One of the Blue people approached her and cuffed her hands together, taking her privileges to defend herself. She protested as she was violently harassed and dragged into the shelter of the ship, people stared at the sight, making no effort to intervene.

    Tamika was thrown into a blank white room, tight and cramped, a flat table in the middle, and some mirrors on each side. Tamika didn't waste anytime on the ground, she shot back up, crawling from the door. But it was too late, they shut the door right in her face. Tamika hopelessly fell back down, resting her palms on her head. She grimaced at the throbbing pain in her fin, she bent and stretched it closer so she could gently rub it. These cruel humans didnt even care to help her onto the table. With determination burning inside of her, she pounded on the door, her wet hands flicking water on the metal door. 
                     "Let me out of here! At once!" She banged and protested, she proceeded to continue the banging before the sides of her hand felt sore, and what was worse was she had no water.
      It's been marked a day since Ariel laid sick in the pod, neatly wrapped in a thick brown piece of cloth, which consumed the sunlight, warming Ariel to perfection. Ariel's body felt heavy and sore, but luckily, She was still able to move her limbs. Norm estimated that she would recover in two days, but oddly, it's was the second day and she still felt unwell. Unless....it was because of the use of shape shifting, become human and mermaid too frequently. Ariel felt a wave of emotions sweep over her, would she ever heal? She would need to tell the others, but then everyone would know about her abilities. Is the sickness irreversible? Kiri caught Ariel's attention as Kiri stepped in, holding something in her hands,
"Ariel?" She asked, "I found this flower by the shore, I think it suits you!" She extended her hands for Ariel's to see the flower in general. It was a pink flower, dotted with yellow on the inside, it sprouted out high and elegantly. Ariel forced the terror on her face to slowly fade away as she cleared her throat before replying,
"It looks beautiful, Kiri!" She put on a lovely smile to make sure Kiri doesn't suspect anything odd, but the expression Kiri had told Ariel Kiri knew something. Kiri, concerned, asked Ariel,
"Is something wrong?" She asked, raising a brow. Ariel stammered,
"N-No! I'm completely fine, far from disturbed!" She nodded at a very high pace, putting on a more untruthful smile. Kiri stared blankly, before slowly responding,
"Okay...oh, and Tuk left a conch shell right there, Tsireya brought you some shells aswell!" She pointed, Ariel softly let out an oh! When she noticed the gifts at her sides.
"Tell them I said thanks!" Ariel said, Kiri nodded her head,
"Will do," She said, turning to exit, but she stopped, "Oh! You might wanna get this." She handed the flower to Ariel, Who softly giggled before thanking Kiri. "Bye!" Kiri waved before turning away and walking away animatedly. Ariel's smile faded away as the thoughts rushed into her mind, she sighed before laying on her side, tracing imaginary circles on the woven floor.

About fifteen minutes passed, and Ariel was started to get bored. Although something felt wrong, as if she were missing something. She felt a soft tingle on her tail, running up and down her tail, sending Ariel a feeling of dehydration and oh..
Ariel needed water. Now Ariel would have transformed into a human, but she had to be cautious of her movements, to make sure nobody aside from Jake was watching, but Ariel had some sort of discomfort with having to constantly switch between being in the water and returning to land. And so she decided, she would transform into a human. Starting from her hips, her fins and scales succumbed into her skin, which happened to the rest of her scale going down. It seemed as if the scale were fipping back, turning into light brown. In the middle of her soon to be gone tail, was a line, sinking into her lower region, parting her tail to form legs. Her feet started to fit, the process ended at her larger toes, Ariel flexed her feet, getting used to the feeling.

            "Woah.." A voice breathed from the opposite side of the Mauri, causing Ariel to flinch. It was Spider, laying down underneath a blanket, tucked in so finely that you could easily miss Spiders figure in the room since the blanket hid him well. Ariel cursed under her breath, a word she learnt because of Lo'ak and his harsh language. Spiders eyes laid on her legs, no disgust or terror in his expression, just plain shock and surprise. Ariel tossed the blanket over her legs, making sure the blanket covered every inch of her legs. It was dead silent for a minute, the two basically had a staring contest. Ariel spoke first,
            "It isn't what you think!" She exclaimed, "I can explain.." she slowly uncovered her blanket, revealing her legs, which made Spiders face grow more surprised.
           "Explain what?" A voice boomed from the entrance, they both shot their head to the direction of the sound. It was Neytiri, and she did not look calm once her bow slipped from her hands, plummeting on the floor

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