Valentines party

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It was the day of the valentines party, everyone woke up in a really good mood ready to prepare and party in the evening. And this doesn't exclude Jungeun who seems to be usually in a cranky mood every morning, today she woke up giddy and cheerful. All because Jinsol stayed the night with her along with that the good dinner they shared with her parents resulted in Jungeun giving the elder an 'award'.

"Tonight is the night," Jinsol smirks as she lays on her stomach, staring at Jungeun. "I feel like they'd be shocked, like I don't feel like i'm the type of person to be seen as gay." Jungeun states,staring at the ceiling. "Hey what does that mean." Jinsol grins, tickling the girl's sides. "Jeong! You know I didn't mean it in that way," Jungeun rolls her eyes.

"Fuck I forgot I have to run back to the loft..  all my shit is stored there," Jinsol shoots her head hastily, suddenly remembering the stuff she has to prepare for, for the upcoming event. "Are you sure? I think you have some clothes in my extra closet, oh and I bought you new chanel fragrances that aren't on the market yet. Better use them later, they suit you." Jungeun smiles innocently, staring at Jinsol who was now sitting on the edge of the bed as she widens her eyes.

The couple decided to stay a few more minutes in bed hugging and giggling. Eventually, Jungeun finally let the latter go after a few kisses. Jinsol giggles as she shuts the bedroom door of the younger, smiling as she thinks about the event later, finally getting to show her girlfriend, Jungeun off to the world.

Jungeun turns to her bedside table, staring at the used cigarettes on the pink ashtray. One of the cigarettes having a lipstick mark, she smiles, remembering the lipstick on Jinsol's forehead yesterday day.

She stops giggling, trying to snap herself out of it she jumps out of her bed running to her closet as she calls her friends.

She dials the groupchat, tapping her foot as she wait. Finally, someone picks up.

"OH MY GOD CHAEWON BROKE THE MICROWAVE, IT'S ON FIRE!!" Sooyoung shouts from the other line as the camera shakes around, not focusing on Sooyoung. Jungeun's eyes widen, "What the fuck is happening??" Jungeun questions loudly, genuinely concerned for the situation. "FUCK THE FIRE ALARM IS BEEPING!" Sooyoung shouts once more as you could hear Chaewon's screams from the background.

"Hello?? Are you guys okay?? Where's Jiwoo and the others?" Jungeun asks, hastily as she begins to panic as well. "FUCK I DON'T KNOW, CANDY LAND OR WHATEVER BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER NOW. WHAT MATTERS IS THE LOFT IS GONNA BURN AND EXPLODE." Sooyoung exclaims as they scream, Jungeun panicking and walking around her room as well. "Fuck fuck fuck.." Jungeun rubs her nose bridge, stressing at the situation.

"The fuck's with the screaming?" Jinsol's words being heard in the background of the call, Jungeun stops, staring at the phone that was laid flat on the counter so her only view was the ceiling.

"JINSOL HELP ME OVER HERE NOW." Sooyoung exclaims, pointing at the microwave that seemed to be weirdly malfunctioning. "Oh my god," Jinsol's mumble could be heard in the background as she flips the switch off.

"Sooyoung!!" Jungeun exclaims from the other line, Sooyoung finally picks the phone back up calmly as she hyperventilates plopping onto the sofa along with Chaewon. "It's all this suckers fault," Sooyoung rolls her eyes as she attempts to tickle the girl beside her.

"Hey Jungeun!" Jinsol waves at the background as Sooyoung lifts her phone so Jungeun could see her girlfriend fixing the microwave. "Hey Jinsol b- What the hell happened anyway?" Jungeun shifts the subject, keeping their nicknames to eachother a secret.

"Well for firsts, Chaewon bought this microwaveable mac and cheese right.." Sooyounh starts out with a sigh as she stares at the girl beside her who was now awkwardly smiling at the camera.

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