Ice skating

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"Here ya go," Jinsol sits on the space beside Jungeun, handing her the boots. "I'm scared..", Jungeun mumbles, staring at the girl beside her. "It'll be okay, just hold onto the railings for support, then you can try and let go when you feel confident," Jinsol reassures Jungeun. That took some weight off Jungeun's shoulders. The tone of the older girls voice, it was like she was being genuine, it was like she wanted to protect Jungeun, and finally, Jungeun felt safe emough to ice skate with the raven haired girl.

"You ready?" Jinsol asks, softly. "Can't say I am..", "You'll get the hang of it, trust me." Jinsol leads Jungeun to the entrance of the rink, getting on the ice first to show Jungeun it was okay.

Jungeun holds onto the railings, as Jinsol skates beside her, "Wah you're such an expert, you weren't lying." Jungeun says, staring at the skating girl as she was hanging onto the railings for her life. "It'll be easy as you get used to it Jungeun," Jinsol states, Jungeun being somehow moved by the was Jinsol said her name. "Wanna go with me? Just hold my hand and I will NOT let you slip. Scouts honor!" Jinsol utters, putting up three of her fingers up in the air. "...fine," Jungeun finally gives in seeing the latter plead.

Jinsol holds both of the blonde girls hands, "AH JINSOL BRING ME BACK TO THE RAILINGS! I CANT DO THIS!" Jungeun shouts, causing for the people around to look at the couple. "Shh, you're scaring the children, look at how good that little boy is," Jinsol chuckles, trying to calm Jungeun down by showing her the little children. Jungeun holds onto Jinsol tightly, trying her best not to fall and get killed.

"Okay move your leg forward, yes, YES! You're doing it!" Jinsol cheers as Jungeun starts to skate, "See, you're really good Jungeun." "FUCK I'LL SLIP" "No you wont, okay i'll let you go for about THREE seconds. Let's see how you go." Jinsol states, as she lets go of the blondes arms, "GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!" she shouts, "Ayee! No cuss words! there are children here," Jinsol chuckles shushing the girl from afar. "If you won't get back here—" Jungeun was about to say, getting cut off as she slips, but Jinsol immediately catching her, "I got you tiger," Jinsol grunts as she grabs Jungeun before she face planted onto the ice, which would definitely leave a red mark on her face.

Jungeun stares at Jinsol, her face suddenly being all flustered as they make eye contact. "Bring me back to the railings Jeong!!" Jungeun shout whispers, giggling as they stay in the same position. Jinsol holding Jungeun's shoulders.


"You're doing it now seriously!" Jinsol cheers once more, "Look at me Jinsol! I'm doing it!" she shouts as she slowly dashes in between the couples. "You're pretty talented Jungeun." Jinsol praises the girl, receiving a slight giggle from the sassy girl.

A few minutes has already passed. The two girls had been skating around for an hour now, it was now time for them to get out of the rink. "Oh i'd never thought i'd say this like at all but ice skating is sort of fun," Jungeun says, chuckling as she puts her shoe on. "I told you you'd get the hang of it eventually, you're good alright but you can't beat me," Jinsol says as she does a shrugging action, receiving a playful hit from Jungeun, "Shushhh you've been skating for like your entire life and i've been skating since this afternoon, and somehow i'm still better than you." Jungeun brags, causing for Jinsol to chuckle and roll her eyes, "Couldn't have done it without the master."


"So where are we headed next?", Jungeun asks, as Jinsol opens the door for her, once again. "Wanna go grab something to eat first or go to the arcade?", "We could go to the arcade, then go eat." Jungeun replies as she stares at the girl who was resting her forearm onto the roof of her car as she talks to Jungeun from outside.


The two step out of the car, revealing them a triangular building with a sign that says 'The Lounge of Fun', this was a place where everyone in their town hung out mostly every weekend, so surely it was gonna be quite crowded in there. "You've ever went here before?" Jinsol asks, staring at the girl beside her as they walk towards the entrance, "I have went here like once because some guy asked me out on a date here, didn't go well. He kept hitting me whenever I lost the game because apparently I was just 'wasting' his money," Jungeun rambles, which executes a 'weirded out' face from Jinsol. "Well, I shouldn't have brought you here then, considering you'd have deja vu and think about that guy for the rest of the arcade date," Jinsol says, chuckling as she opens the door for Jungeun, coming in after her. "Oh, no. I don't even remember his name, too many guys." Jungeun states, as she checks her nails. "Why do you go on dates with them anyway, like, they're... guys?" Jinsol says, suddenly forgetting straight people exist. "Well, I really didn't reject the first few offers since they practically BEGGED me to go out with them, but I did reject the most recent ones, knowing my break up with the school's jerk, my dm's had been flooding with 'I'll always be here if you need a shoulder to cry on' or some corny shit. I have a pile of designer clothes to cry on if i even need to cry." Jungeun rambles once again, receiving a light chuckle from Jinsol, "So, how many tokens can you fit in your pockets?" Jinsol says, smirking at the confused blonde girl who was twirling her hair as she was rambling just a second ago.

"NO FAIR you've been practicing this huh," Jungeun rolls her eyes, leaning on the basketball machine as Jinsol grabs another ball from the pit. "I was just born athletic," Jinsol says, smirking at the girl as she's shrugging, causing for Jungeun to roll her eyes and her lips curling up into a smile, "Psh, you wish. Watch me beat you at tennis." Jungeun says, lifting her eyebrows as she smirks. "Oh my god Kim Jungeun you're such a rich girl stereotype I'm not even kidding," Jinsol states, giggling at the girl, causing for Jungeun to stare at her intently, but Jinsol immediately noticing this, she saved herself by saying, "Oh don't worry, not in an 'ew' way, I find rich girl stereotypes sexy it's alright." Jinsol stares at her back, totally not thinking of what she was gonna say. She then sees Jungeun being totally pink.

"Okay what game are we gonna be playing next!" Jinsol interrupts the awkward eye contact as both of them were flustered.

The arcade date ended in results of Jungeun paying for the meal since she lost a bet, but Jinsol took the bet back so she could pay herself, but obviously, rich girl Jungeun had insisted that she'd pay.

Jinsol was rich for sure, her parents are in the business industry, and her siblings too. Although she never brags to people about her wealth, her friends even forget that she came from a rich background. She stays humble to herself, only buying what she needs.

The two arrive the bakery where they went last time, Jungeun catching the eye of one specific staff from last time.

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