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"JINSOL! OPEN THE FUCK UP!" Sooyoung shouted as she bangs onto the door of heavy sleeper Jinsol. "YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE YOU ASSHOLE!!" Sooyoung shouted one more time, eventually being greeted by Jinsol a second later, "Geez Soo it's.." Jinsol pauses checking her non-existent watch on her wrist, " in the fucking morning," she continues, "Yes, and your first class is EIGHT in the morning, so you better get your ass moving." she pushes the girl back in her dorm suggesting her to get changed. "Hurry up, I want to grab a cup of coffee before class," Sooyoung says as she plops onto the girls bed.


"I'm ready!" Jinsol exclaimed jumping out of the bathroom, "Now get up, we better get going," Jinsoul cheers grabbing Sooyoung by the hand.

"You going to Yeonjuns party this weekend?" Sooyoung asks the girl beside her, as they walk down the stairs of the dormitory. "Definitely, who else is going?", "Me, definitely.. Hyunjin and Heejin probably, Jiwoo, and uhhh.. I'm not sure about Haseul and Kahei unnie." Sooyoung says as she scrolls on her phone, "No one else?" Jinsol questions, wanting to hear another name. "Oh and probably Jungeun," Sooyoung adds enthusiastically, "I'm not sure though, she hasn't messaged any of us, especially Jiwoo and Heejin." Sooyoung adds once more in a more concerned tone. That made Jinsol worried, did she find out about her boyfriend cheating on her? Was she distancing herself away from the others because of that?


The two girls entered the café seeing Seulgi across the counter as usual, "Hey girls, coffee before class eh? Better get those brain muscles moving hm," Seulgi says as she puts the piece of cloth on her shoulder, "Hey Seulgi unnie, both of us will be having an americano," Sooyoung replies, smiling at the woman in front of her, who was soon surprised by her wife, "Ah Hyun!! Sooyoung and Jinsols here," Seulgi points at the duo smiling. "Go and chat with them as I get their drinks ready will you babe," Seulgi orders the woman beside her, "Don't burn yourself again, alright." Joohyun smiled at her wife before walking to the duo.

"Hi Jinsol, Hi Sooyoung, early morning coffee before school?" she questioned the two, signaling them to sit on the sofa by the cashier. "Yep, kinda wish they extended the weekend. Why would a weekend be only for two days, who made that up." Jinsol wonders, Sooyoung agreeing with her. "You guys should cherish your school days, sometimes I wish I could go back and relive them all over again.. the schoolwork was hard and tiring, yes, but it was all worth it for all of the enjoyable and once in a life time experiences I had." Joohyun reminisces, thinking about her previous life when she was a college student. "That was also the time when I first met and fell inlove with your Seulgi unnie-" the woman gets cut off by the two making weird noises, displaying disgusted expressions on their faces, "You think I'm cringe now but watch when you two fall inlove, just watch." Joohyun clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes, giggling at the two a second later. "I got your drinks here girls!" Seulgi walks over the three, handing Jinsol and Sooyoung their americanos, "Thank you Seulgi unnie," they both say in unison. "Always welcome kids, come by whenever you feel like drinking coffee again alright?" Seulgi bids goodbye to the two leaning on her wife's shoulder.


"Bye Soo, see you lunch," Jinsol waves as they split ways, having different classes in the morning. Jinsol checks her schedule for the day, she has english literature first, great.

As she was walking down the hall of where the said classroom was, she was met by a dashing Jungeun. She turns her head to quickly look at where the younger girl was heading, Jinsol was now really worried. She was hesitant if she should follow the girl or not. Either way she still followed the girl.

"Jungeun?" Jinsol whispers as she walks inside the gymnasium of their campus. Her eyes wander around the area looking for the blonde girl. Finally, she spots her by the stack of gymnastic mats.

"Jungeun?" she calls out once more trying to grab the attention of the crouching girl who was hiding her face. "Hey, are you alright?"
she talks to the younger girl in front of her, not receiving a response, Jinsol sits by Jungeun, not saying a word, afraid to irritate Jungeun.

As Jinsol sat herself beside Jungeun, she immediately burst into tears digging her face into Jinsol's shoulders. "Hey.. it's okay.." Jinsol whispers, trying her best to calm the girl down, not knowing what happened with her at all.

Jinsol places her hands on Jungeuns shoulders as she holds onto her tighly, suggesting that she's not letting go of Jungeun. "I'm right here, it's gonna be okay.." Jinsol coos, receiving mumbling from Jungeun. "He... he cheated on me..." Jungeun sobs, tears cascading from her eyes. "With... alot of girls..." she makes out once more. "I'm so sorry Jungeun," Jinsol comforts Jungeun, patting her back, rubbing her thumb on Jungeuns shoulder. "Why are you apologizing..? It's not your fault.." she stops crying for a second, trying to reply to Jinsol's apology. "I know, but I'm sorry for you, he never deserved you. I've seen the way he treat you. You think I wasn't watching when he picked you up when you went to my party?" Jinsol chuckles slightly, "The pain is going to be temporary Jungeun. And look, I'm not in a place to judge your boy-", "Ex." Jungeun corrects Jinsol, "I mean ex-boyfriend, but he seemed really shitty," Jinsol chuckles, in the process of making the girl beside her smile. Jungeun knew that Jinsol was saying the truth, everyone had warned her that Junseo was shitty, but she never listened. But this time, she actually wants to listen.

Jinsol helps Jungeun to stand up from the mats so they could exit the gymnasium, "Hey what do you have?" Jinsol questions Jungeun, in hopes of them having the same class together. "Oh, I have english literature," Jungeun says, pausing in between. "Oh really? Me too!" Jinsol smiles at the thought, "Shall we go then?" Jinsol smiles as they walk down the hall.

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