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"Here's the address," Heejin handed Haseul a piece of paper that had something written on it, Haseul takes it staring at it making sure it isn't fake. "Are you alright heej?" Hyunjin touches Heejins forehead staring at the very visible bruise caused by Haseul.

"Did you really have to throw a book at heejin, unnie." Hyunjin groans tucking Heejins hair behind her ear because it was blocking the way of Hyunjins view for the bruise. "Well, i'm sorry!! she could've just given me the address," Haseul says rolling her eyes. "You act like a child Haseul," Kahei flicks Haseuls forehead making the younger turn to her pouting, "Stop making that face or else i'll kiss you!!" Kahei giggles at Haseuls face, "Ah!! come here!" Kahei tickles Haseul making her burst into laughter rolling all around the floor after throwing a hardcover book onto Heejins head.

Jinsol sarcastically sighs while looking at the couple, "I'll never have this in my life," she jokes, "Yeah you're right," Sooyoung says pulling Jiwoo by her waist. "Hey!! hag!" Jinsol shouts playfully slapping Sooyoungs arm chuckling at the girl. "Well shall we get going?", Beomgyu exclaims jumping up from his seat, "We shall," Jinsol says running to her vehicle.


Jungeun wakes up checking the time, it's 8:20 in the morning, she opens her phone receiving a text message from Heejin. 'How is she up this early after her alcoholic rampage last night?' she whispers to herself.

She opens the text. 'Join us for brunch later, 10:30! it's going to be at Nayeon unnies restaurant~~ Everyone will be there ;p' the messsage says. Jungeun jumps up from her bed getting ready knowing Jinsol is one of those 'everyone' .

She takes off the necklace Junseo gave her throwing it in her trash bin after finding out that he installed some tracking device on it.

'Ding!' Jungeuns phone lights up showing that someone had messaged her. That someone being Junseo. 'Hey, i'm really sorry for last night, i hope you can forgive me.' she reads the message the boy sent. She sighs knowing that he didn't actually feel bad for her. He just wanted his image in school to stay cool. Jungeun throws her phone on her bed not responding to the boys message.

She goes back inside her bathroom to take a shower because she didn't have the chance to shower last night.


"We're here," Haseul says turning to the back resting her arm onto Kaheis seat. "Did you invite Jungeun?" Sooyoung asked Heejin, Heejin nodding in response.

Everyone gets out of Haseuls car aside from Jinsol who brought her own vehicle. The group made its way to the entrance, as they enter the restaurant they see Jungeun saving a table for them.

"Jungeuuuunn!!!" Heejin shouts running to the girl, "You left early last night, who took you home?" Heejin asks the older looking worried. "Junseo picked me up," Jungeun clicks her tongue rolling her eyes, "How are you guys doing?" Jungeun turns her eyes around the others, specifically the tall girl infront of her. "Ah we're all right jungie, Jinsol here took care of us. Such a sweetie!" Haseul says pinching Jinsols cheek, making Jinsol giggle and roll her eyes. Jungeun looked at the scene smiling, looking at Jinsol while Jinsol was looking at the menu.

"Is that all you want, miss?" the waiter made sure that he got all the orders correct. Jinsol nods looking at the others, "Oh can you add three more pieces of chicken wings!" Beomgyu shouted, "Fatty," Hyunjin whispered loud enough for Beomgyu to hit her playfully. "Okay, i'll be back with your order in a couple of minutes ladies and gent."

Jinsol still didn't know the relationship between the guy last night and Jungeun. But she assumes its her boyfriend seeing how he put his arm around Jungeuns shoulders. "Did you get home safe last night?" Jinsol tried striking a conversation with Jungeun seeing the others argue about who's going to finish their meal first. "Yes I did, thanks to you my stomach stopped cramping," a smile crept across Jungeuns face. "W-" Jinsol was about to ask about the guy last night but she decided not to because she would seem suspicious.

"Jungeun, did Junseo take you home safely last night?" Kahei asks Jungeun, knowing that Junseo picked her up since she was more sober than the others last night.

'So his name is Junseo.' Jinsol says whispering to herself. "Ah, yeah he just dropped me off. Luckily he didn't do anything inappropriate to me like last time." Jungeun says, faking a smile. "That bastard, I still won't forget about what he's done to you, when will you let him go?" Haseul adds. 'She's right. When am I gonna let him go.' Jungeun thinks.

"Guys! I just saw Yeonjuns post and theres going to be a party in his club next week!" Jiwoo shouts, her tone being very excited. "All of us should go!!" Sooyoung replies. "All of you in?" she adds, "I'm down," Jinsol says looking unbothered, "Me too!" Beomgyu raises his hand, "Us too," Heejin says pointing at herself and Hyunjin, "I'll try and go," Jungeun says smiling. "What do you mean try? You HAVE to be there." Heejin says making a pleading face so Jungeun would actually, knowing she doesn't attend much parties.

"Alright, I'm in." Jungeun says rolls her eyes smirking. She's only even in to see a specific someone, but she won't admit it.

"Foods here!" Jinsol exclaims, as the waiter puts the trays of food on the table. "That looks absolutely delicous!" Jiwoo says rubbing her hands together. "Why did you just do that," Hyunjin says, sounding confused, "Do what?" Jiwoo raises her right eyebrow, "Do this," Hyunjin rubs her hands together licking her lips. "You're not in a cartoon bro," Hyunjin says chuckling at herself, making Jiwoo roll her eyes and smile. "Let us dig in!!" Haseul exclaims, thus the food wars has started between the hungry apes.

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