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It's sunday. Mostly during sundays Jinsol just either hangs around or rots in her bed. Today she planned on rotting in her bed the whole day, considering she had a numb body from all the activities she did yesterday with Jungeun. But her friends obviously did not let her have her cloud nine moment.

Jinsol wakes up to a Hyunjin beside her and a Sooyoung in her bathroom.

"The fuck," Jinsol curses, as she rubs her eyes and gets up from her odd sleeping position. "Finally you're awake, we've been in your dorm for about an hour now." Hyunjin states as she moves to the side to give Jinsol space, not taking her eyes off her phone.

"It's fucking.." Jinsol grunts, checking the time on her phone, "...fucking 10 in the morning, I need sleeeeeep..." she continues, groaning. "You, me and Sooyoung are going furniture shopping with Jiwoo, Heejin and Jungeun." Hyunjin states, once again. "For what..?" "I dunno, apparently Jiwoo's cousin or something," Sooyoung interjects, as she walks out of the bathroom.

Jinsol then gets up from the bed, considered she might go since Jungeun was going, and what was the harm?

"Now get up and get ready, we'll be going in 15 minutes." Sooyoung slaps Jinsol's leg as she walks past. This causes for Jinsol to groan. "...you'll be the one giving us a ride anyway.." Sooyoung adds, Hyunjin giggling beside the raven haired girl.

"Seriously when will you guys get your licenses, both of you are literally rich." Jinsol mumbles, as she struggles to take her pajamas off. "I swear I'll be getting them over the summer," Hyunjin replies, "Yeah same, and why would we need a car when we have you, our sweet little Jinsol." Sooyoung adds, cooing at the obviously annoyed girl.

The three left the dormitary finally on their way to a so called swedish furniture shop. "Just call it fucking Ikea." Sooyoung says, out of nowhere as the car was in silence. "Who the fuck are you talking you," Hyunjin turns around to the backseat, glaring at Sooyoung. "What do you even MEAN." "You just spoke," "NO I DIDNT," "Yes you DID, Jinsol, didn't she act mysterious just now??" Hyunjin rushes, facing back to the girl driving beside her. "Yep I heard that too, who the hell are you hallucinating about now," Jinsol utters, "Shut up long neck," "Shush my neck's hot," "You wish."

The three continued arguing due to whatever stupid reason, but they were finally silenced when they arrived their destination, or Ikea as Sooyoung may say.

"Where are we supposed to meet them," Jinsol asks, "I think around where the carts are," Hyunjin replies, unsure. The trio head inside the oddly large blue building, as they enter, it reveals the three other girls waiting by the benches. Jinsol gulps. She doesn't wanna tell the others about their date yet, because she forgot.

"Hey guys!" Jiwoo waves, cheering as the trio that arrived late walked awkwardly towards them. "Hey gang," Hyunjin says, staring at the two sat girls and the cheering Jiwoo. "Ugh i'm glad you guys finally made it, it's so hot down here," Heejin says, fanning herself with her hand. "Sorry to make you wait Heekie," Hyunjin coo's, cupping Heejin's cheeks, causing the rest too gag. "Oh my god I can't stand this anymore let's go," Jungeun interjects as Hyunjin was about to bark for Heejin. "Jinsol grab a cart," Jungeun orders, not looking back. "Yes ma'am," Jinsol salutes, running towards where the cart's were.

The two found this a bit suspicious but didn't look into it that much. Although Heejin and Jiwoo already knew, so as Jinsol follows Jungeun's instructions almost immediately, Heejin and Jiwoo eyed eachother, giggling leaving Hyunjin and Sooyoung confused.

"What are we looking for again?" Sooyoung asks as she runs her fingers through the hanging carpets with different patterns. "We're trying to make a gaming room surprise for Jiwoo's younger cousin," Heejin replies, measuring a table. "Oh and Jungeun's parents ordered her to buy some fancy furniture shit for their guest rooms because apparently they're gonna have guests over." Heejin adds once more, receiving a nodding Sooyoung.

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