5 | pt. 3 : number five

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck happened?"

"Those son's of bitches drove by."


"An ice-cream van. How inconspicuous." Y/n commented as they rode down a deserted road, the cooling AC soothing the parching heat of midday as she was squeezed in between her two brothers.

She took off her blazer and folded it, placing it on her lap as Diego spoke up. "This is the closest I've gotten to them. I can't give up now."

Klaus interrupted their conversation and pointed ahead, taking a hand off the wheel. "Hey, guys, is that Five and Luther?"

"What?" Y/n questioned, confused. "How high are you?"

As the ice-cream truck passed a car up ahead, Klaus stuck his head out of the window and waved vigorously at two people standing out on the road.

The girl peeked past him and her eyes widened as they locked with.. Five's.

She sent him the most bizarre look, with him returning it. "What on earth?!"

"Go faster!" Diego shouted at Klaus, causing him to pick up speed.

Bullets began raining down on the vehicle as time came to a stop.

Five peered out from behind Luther, who had his arm open, at the frozen scene ahead of him.

"Hello, Five. You look good, all things considered." Said an unfamiliar voice Y/n didn't recognise.

She glanced to the left of her, seeing a man and a women stuck in place. "What the fuck?.." Both Klaus and Diego remained unmoving as she panicked, poking their shoulders and faces.

Y/n scrambled over Klaus hurriedly, jumping out of the van. Everything was so saturated. She spun around a couple times, her eyes flickering over everything around her as she strained to see through the strange time-frozen, over-saturated filtered.. Place?

Two figures ahead of her caught her attention and she gazed over. A woman with white hair and Five. They appeared to be the only people who weren't immobile.

"Ah, girl, we've been expecting you sooner or later," the strange woman extended her arm out to the Y/n, motioning her forward.

"This is between you and I, woman. Leave Y/n out of it." Five spoke through gritted teeth, outstretching his own arm to stop her.

She paused for a moment before walking up, standing beside him closely for comfort. "What is this?" she asked, uncomfortable with her surroundings.

The odd woman gazed down at her and hummed. "Hmm, you are truly an interesting case. I'm glad to have finally found you. He'll be so grateful."

"Excuse me?" Y/n scoffed in both annoyance and confusion and the lady merely shrugged.

"Anyway," she returned her attention to Five, who was now ahead but still beside the girl, positioned protectively in front of her, "You realise what you're asking for is next to impossible, even for me.

What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'être," the woman continued on vaguely, clasping her hands together as the boy in uniform drew out a gun from his uniform, pointing it at her.

"Yeah? Well how about survival as a raison?" he threatened.

The woman shrugged again. "I'll just be replaced. I'm but a.. Small cog in a machine." With her hands behind her back, she paced slowly toward the two teenagers. "This fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse.. Is just that. A fantasy.."

The girl disassociated from their conversation for a minute to try to understand the situation at hand. Soon, she listened back in when she heard someone addressing her.

"Oh, and what a sweet girl," the woman said, pushing down Five's weapon as she softly shoved him aside.

Y/n glanced to Five in alarm as he regained his stance and raised his firearm at the tall lady.

"You're so hard to locate but they'll be so pleased," she admitted, bringing a hand to the girl's head as she smoothly caressed her hair. Y/n's face twisted in disgust while a gun clicked from the side of her. "Still so youthful. And why is that so?"

"Hands off." Five announced dangerously.

"No need to get your school-boy shorts in a bunch," she replied blandly, giving the uncomfortable girl a final pat on the shoulder. She stepped away and looked to Five as he lowered his weapon. "Anyhow, we can happen.. We can make you.. Yourself again."

The boy paused in contemplation for a few seconds. "And what about my family?"

"What about them?" the woman questioned, exasperated.

"I want them to survive."

She sighed in annoyance as she glanced at his siblings. "All of them?"

"Yes, all of them," Five answered her foolish query.

"And the girl.. Y/n, is your name, sweetie?" the lady peered past him to see the girl fidgeting awkwardly.

"Uh, no-" the boy interrupted, "She's not going. Only I am."

"Then the deal's off, I guess."

Y/n squinted her eyes suspiciously at the odd figure and mumbled quietly. "It'll be okay, Five. There's no way this woman is letting me leave without a fight anyway."

"Yes, Y/n is right. She's coming with us whether you and I like it or not. This has nothing to do with your silly little 'save the world' plans." Five glared at her as she pulled sunglasses out from her pocket. "Well, I'll see what I can do. Do we have a deal?"

Her smile was fake as she extended an arm out to Five for a handshake. He pursed his lips as he turned his head to see the girl beside him. Five's eyes were searching, seemingly lost in thought before he replied.

"One thing."

The boy in uniform walked past them, a few metres ahead, before he stopped to pick a pistol up from the asphalt road and began disassembling it. He then tossed away both the gun and magazine in different directions.

Quickly, he proceeded back but turned around to move a bullet that was heading in Luther's way.

He stood in front of the woman as she reached out for his hand and for the girl beside him.

Five nodded at Y/n.

"Let's do this."


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