"Cool!! Are you coming with us, Grandpa?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"The Avengers, Peter, and you are traveling the world," Grandpa informs.

"We are?" Peter questions in the back.

"I guess so, baby," Mom says

"We're on our way. Did you contact the other Avengers?" Mom asks, and Grandpa nods.

"As soon as we escaped the base. Everyone should all be there waiting," Grandpa says, looking at me, and I nod.

"We should be there in 5 minutes," Mom says, and Grandpa nods before hanging up.


"Did you hang up without saying Goodbye," I questioned, and he rolled his eyes.

"Get out, Paxton. Clint's waiting for you," Grandpa says, pointing to the side where Uncle Clint was standing. 

I open the door and close it before running over to Uncle Clint. He bends down and engulfs me when I make it to him. 

"Hey, bud, how have you been," He asks, standing up.

"I've been better, how about you?" I question, breaking away from the hug.

"I've been surviving," He says, and I nod. 

"Can we head inside?" I ask, and he nods.

He leads the way, and I follow. I take two steps before being lifted.

"Unhand me, Uncle Steve," I whine, and he nods, satisfied with my reaction.

"As you wish, sir," He says, setting me down in a chair. 

He smiles before sitting next to me.

"How are you doing, bud?" He asks as he skitters his hand up my side.

"Gohohohoood," I giggle out, standing up from my chair.

I'm yanked into Steve's arms before I can run away. He laughs in joy before putting his hands around my waist. I sigh and slump down. My head resting on his collarbone, and my hands resting on his hands.

"Do you know where we're going?" I question, closing my eyes.

"Clint checked the ticket, and we're going to California," He says.

I giggle and open my eyes for a second before closing them again.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, and he didn't respond.

"Open your eyes, baby," A voice says.

"MOM!!" I scream, opening my eyes and jumping into her.

"Hey, baby," She chuckles before turning to Steve.

"Are we all ready?" Mom asks Steve, and he nods with a blush on his face.

"Yuck," I mutter, earning two glares. 

To avoid being hit, I run off toward Peter, who's walking to the airplane with adults. He smiles, and I smile back before being hit in the head.

"Ow," I groan and look behind me.

"What was that for!?" I ask, looking at Mom, who's smirking.

"Don't say yuck next time," She says, and I scowl.

"That's child abuse. I call CPS," I threatened, and she laughed. 

"Get on the plane," She pushes me.

I sit by Uncle Clint and Peter. Mom sits by Steve and Thor. And Bruce and Tony sit together. "Uncle Clint, how long are we staying, and did Grandpa Fury pack a suitcase for us?" I questioned, and he shrugged. 

I groan and turn a movie on for the remainder of the flight. I watched Sing One and Two and a half of Black Widow before the flight ended. We got off the plane and regrouped at the airport. 

"Are we going to a hotel?" I asked, and Mom nodded, pulling out her phone.

It takes about 5 minutes, but two taxis parked in front of the airport. Mom, Uncle Clint,  Steve, Peter, and I take the first taxi, while Thor, Tony, and Bruce take the other. We arrive at the hotel 10 minutes later and head inside. The person at the front guides us to the second floor, where we have two rooms. 

Mom, Uncle Clint, Peter, and I take the first room, and the other four take the other room.

"Are we staying here until they capture our parents?" Peter asks, sitting down on the couch. 

"We'll be moving states constantly," Mom says, opening the fridge. 

"It's so boring here," I whined, sitting by Peter on the couch.

"Let's go to the pool," Mom suggests, and I cheer.

"Let's go!!" I shouted.

Mom, Peter, and I went down to the pool.



As soon as Paxton got out of the car, I called one of the shield agents back at the base. 


"Morris, how's it going?" I questioned, speeding back to the base. 

"Not good, sir," He said.

"Do we have eyes on their parents?" I asked, pulling to the side of the road.

"Negative, sir," He responded.

"I'm putting you on hold," I said, hanging up and looking at the now purple sky.

"What the f-," I say before my face smashes into the cement.


A/n: I'm on crutches and constantly moving between foster homes and relatives. It'll take about two months before I can live with my cousins again. Also, my month is over. Proofread by Grammarly cuz we love Grammarly.


Word Count: 1252

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