~5. Tanishq~

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I watch her fall asleep as her head rests on my shoulder

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I watch her fall asleep as her head rests on my shoulder. She looks so mesmerizing, her locks are a river of blackness. She’s hell tired. Who doesn’t grow tired after such a day. She danced, she laughed, she ran, she jumped. And she kissed. Much work.
I am tired too. But sleep is not ruining my gaze.

Isn’t this what I wanted?
Under the stars, with the moon watching us, me and that girl whom I’d kiss and she would never forget me?

I want to shout out to everyone, “See the Rajkumar fall in love, people.

Something is stuck in my throat, I want to cough it off. But I’m scared she’ll wake up, her sleep will be disturbed.

Running my hand through her hairs, I plant a kiss her on her forehead.

“Thanks, Tanishq,” she buries her face into my neck.

“Sleep, princess. Sleep. You’ve got a lot of things to do.”

* * * * *

That night, the intimate moments between our very own bodies and souls, well, they covered me and Yashvi. I had never kissed someone for so long. And she was damn passionate. That girl, Bhavya, Yashvi's cousin saw us kissing. I laughed when she ran away. I would be lying if I say that I didn’t get scared. A little amount of fear was added to my bloodstream when Yashvi said that Bhavya might say someone about it. Vivaan Suryavanshi, my father, would banish me from the family for this. (Yes, for just kissing a girl. How did he produce me? Didn’t he kiss Maa? Didn’t he mate?) And I don’t know what others would say. But I cared less. I was in love. I am.

After we kissed, we talked much. I have forgotten most of the words, because I was much focused on her. Her eyes, her lips, her cheeks, her hair all were much irresistible for me. And the moonlight created such an exquisite effect that I was left with no words. I heard her chat away merrily, smiling at my silence and running her hands through my hair a number of times. We got to know each other. We had become close within a span of a few hours and not even the great Suryavanshi king, Vivaan Suryavanshi can separate us now, I guess.

Sohini was right in her words, that one can find their soul mate in such a gathering.

Today is the reception ceremony, which I had waited for. I have practiced a dance that includes all the beloved cousins of Rehan bhaiya, that is Ranveer, me, Deedhiti and Tanisha.

Talking about guests, there are many special ones coming today. ‘The Thakur's World', being one of the dominating business parties in India, has acquired national fame and recognition. The Chief Minister of Jharkhand, and many MPs and MLAs will be arriving here. And with them coming, it will be a grand ceremony today.

I walk to the backstage where everyone's waiting for me.
“We will want our honourable Chief Minister Mr. Jairaj Yadav to bless the bride and groom,” Gaurav announces. Yes, he is the anchor here too.

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