~1. Tanishq~

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"I hate you, Tanishq. You just broke me," Diksha sobs.

"I? You said what? I broke you?" It sounds unreal to me, "What was my fault when you were fucking that guy? What was his name again? Shuvam, right? You were doing shitty things and I became the-"

"I'm leaving you! Who are you to put the question upon me?" She cuts me.

"Who am I? I was your boyfriend, Diksha. An useless lover who tried to love only and now is getting the blame on himself. Now I know why Sohini warned me from you," I instantly take up my best friend's matter. Sohini is my childhood best friend. But yes, on the course of this relationship, she broke our friendship because she thought I wasn't loyal. Yes, I wasn't. I fell in love with this damned person, and now I'm suffering.

"Oh, so you go, nah. Go to your Sohini and love her. Why are you behind me? You know Tanishq, I didn't love you. I deserve better and yes, it's not you. Stop with these relationship jokes already. I'm fed up."

"Sohini is my best friend, Diksha. If it was something that she left, it was only because of you. She was such a beautiful person. You broke our friendship and now you're betraying me. How foolish I was to love a person like you!"

"You deserve death," she gets up from the chair and taking her bag, walks out of the café.

My coffee got cold long ago. Well, I truly deserve death. Nothing in the world suits me and actually, I don't suit in this world. When was the last time I smiled and laughed by my heart? Probably never, for the world was never a good one for me.

Being the only successor of the royal Suryavanshi family, I'm fed up being called 'Tanishq Suryavanshi, the Royal Prince' since childhood. I'm bored with those titles as in the 21st century there are less people who'd know about Kings and the Royal families. But in this large subcontinent of India, everyone had more or less knowledge about the Suryavanshis. My father is a great man and my mother has all the qualities of a queen. Yet they lack the sense of parenting. I hate them for that. As a prince, I never wanted to be treated unique. I wanted to stay like a common individual. But people still feared my presence. They were scared that my father would punish them if they even jested with me or played with me. And thus, I was very lonely and developed a little number of friends. Sohini Roy Choudhury was one of them. She was the purest soul I've ever met and I don't know how to express my feelings. I'm a damned person for breaking our beautiful bond.

I take a long sip of my drink. Now I have to delete all the pictures I had with Diksha. Or Google will show the memories within a month or a year and make me gloomy. Better I delete them from Snapchat where most of our pics, our cute pics exist. I found myself cute most of the time and not her. But whatever, let's start.

I can call Sohini now. But I guess, things won't go back to be good again. Our twelve years of friendship broke when Diksha fought with her about me. Sohini was all possessive and Diksha was all act. How can a person love two people together? Do they feel the same thing for both of them?

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