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"I will kill that bastard with my hands," Mahesh yells furiously as he engages in combat with the tiger. He realised the difference between a mortal and a tiger, which instantly humbled him. However, his rage surpasses his injuries, and the tiger's wrath is trivial through his aura. Mahesh rapidly loses control of the situation, setting fire to everything and becoming fatigued from the smoke inhaling, burning flames in his eyes. He feels as though he will collapse there and end up as food for the tiger. However, he also saw that the tiger was experiencing the same issues and was becoming lethargic. With all of their remaining energy, they launched their final desperate attack on each other, realising that they were just half of who they once were. After two minutes of struggle with the tiger, Mahesh seized the burning fire stick and pressed it on the tiger's neck, cutting it. The war of fury was won by Mahesh.

He chose not to take any breaks and instead headed straight to Samantha... But for some reason, he remained angry. On the other hand, Shruthi and Ram were trying their best to save themselves from those coyotes, Ram made sure to block them from getting into Shruthi's way defending her but he asked only one request in return. He asked her to flip the car over. "Flip the car over? Is that a joke..." Shruthi thought to herself as she definitely doesn't possess that strength but she decided to give it a shot after witnessing Ram's troubles. Despite her best efforts, the car wouldn't even flinch.

Shruthi felt furious at herself for failing to help anyone, even herself. While she was crying there in helplessness, meanwhile Ram had already sustained several injuries from his fight with the coyotes and had lost the fight against them entirely. Shruthi witnessed the coyotes tearing apart and eating Ram alive. Seeing as how helpless she was, she reasoned that by posing as a ruse, she might have been able to save Ram.

"Please don't do it, I did all of this for your safety. Don't let it go to waste. Flip the car with everything you've got," cried Ram as he was dying. Shruthi felt incredibly strong after hearing those words; perhaps her anguish gave her that power, but it wasn't enough. She then notices a tree trunk next to the road. She spotted that there was a slight incline next to the car, so she hurried over to the trunk and attempted to pull it close to the car with all of her strength, even though it bruised her hands. She manoeuvred the trunk towards the car such that it could be used as leverage to flip the vehicle utilising the slope with only a slight, forceful push. Upon hearing Ram's last gasps for breath, she threw herself into it, pushing the trunk with all of her remaining strength, causing the car to topple over.

She grabbed the car and drove it into the coyotes, forcing them to flee. She took the half-dead Ram into the car. Despite her knowledge that he was beyond saving, she persisted in her belief in him because she didn't want him to pass away. She started the car and slammed it against the forest gate, but the gate didn't break and they were left helpless once more. Vilely, Shruthi turned to Ram and said, "Sorry... for being a burden, that mess... Please forgive me; I am the cause of your death." Ram responds, saying he would never regret saving her because he always loved her but never confessed to her. He also expresses gratitude for having died saving someone he truly loved right up until the very end.

Ram suffered severe bleeding and had the majority of his body ripped away in a most horrifying way. He didn't show Shruthi the pain till the very end since he knew she would become panicked. He died in a horrifying yet courageous manner. When he made his confession, all Shruthi could think was that if he had confessed earlier, they probably would have skipped out on the tour and instead would have spent their time together in a cosy little house, but fate had other plans. She gave him a final goodbye kiss, accepting his proposal. Ram smiled at his demise because, after all these years, he had finally expressed what he wanted to say and it was accepted. Shruthi burst into tears and yelled as he closed his eyes, lamenting his loss.

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