Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

How was it even possible for a day to become so bad that it turned out terrible and became horrendous? Anna groaned in frustration after hissing countless times for pricking her finger with the needle.

"What in God's name has gotten into you today?" Elise inquired, sincerely confounded by what could possibly happened that she, for the first time during her yearlong stay, pricked her fingers countless times in one embroidery session, which was baffling enough, spilled her piping hot tea, along the way, broke the chinaware cup, slashed her finger, tripped on her own foot, not once but four times all before it was even noon.

"Perhaps you should stay away from the needles and take George for a walk instead." Even the dowager felt pity towards Anna.

"Yes, perhaps it is best. I shall take George for a walk."

"Do you think that is wise? Oh well, do be careful and don't trip over yourself, again!" Elise called out and Anna winced at the mention of her endless accidents today.

"You will behave today, George, I am warning you. I won't have any of your disorderly conduct today, I don't think my feet, or my arm or any of my body parts can handle any more of it." Anna grumbled to the beast walking ahead of her along the hallway of the townhouse.

"Not that it has anything to do with you. It is all him, you know. He has squandered my precious slumber on him. He consumed my thoughts that I can't think of anything else other than him. He is to blame that I can't get my mind into doing anything else today! Ugh. Go catch." Anna threw the ball languorously to the side with a pout on her face, before leaning against the wall.

"I assumed something clearly has taken over your conducts today. By looking at your solemn expression."

"Blast." Anna cursed under her breath, recognizing the familiar voice coming from the other end of the hallway.

"Especially when one caused such wretched episodes." Ian walked up beside her, then kneeled down to give the dog a good rub, occasionally stealing glances to the cheerless lady.

"Most wretched." She muttered.

"I am afraid, we men are wretched things." He quoted, purposely taunting her, still rubbing George's head. Then after a moment of silence, he looked up to study the crease between her brows.

"Have you no quote to counter it? Anna without her quotes?" He held his hand on his chest, in utter mocking shock.

"Of all creatures that feel and think, we women are the worst treated things alive." She phrased, walking away not wanting to be near him, not wanting to see his handsome face, not wanting to touch him, and most definitely not wanting to kiss him!

"And there she is. I heard you managed to break a few things today. Are you alright?" Quickly catching up to her.

"Yes, I am quite alright." Anna said proudly before almost stumbling on her own foot, but Ian managed to hold her elbows just in time to aid her despite him being the reason for her imbalance.

"I was most clumsy when I was younger." Ian smiled as he told her.

"I could imagine your younger self with that long hair running back to the house, with cuts and mud covering your arms and legs." She chuckled at the image.

"And how would you know I had long hair when I was a boy?"

"I saw the picture of you along the hallway to your grandmother's chamber. I must have seen the picture for more than a hundred times by now. Thus, I was surprised to have not noticed the resemblance when we first met." She started walking ahead and threw the ball that the dog had retrieved.

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