Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Ian nodded and grunted a few words, engaging to a certain extend in the conversation with his peers, but his eyes were feasting on Anna the entire time. He noted how she curtsied, nodded, and smiled idly while staying rooted to where she stood. Not engaging nor attempting any conversation within the group. Did not even move an inch from her position with her head sculpted still as though she was afraid to turn over her shoulder. That was until Thomas Goring walked up to her when Ian walked purposefully towards them, leaving his peers in utter confusion.

"I believe she owes me the next dance. Shall we?" Ian extended his arm towards Anna who remained still and confounded. Ian tilted his head towards his stretched arm motioning her to accept his unforeseen invitation instead of leaving him abashed in the midst of the crowd. Anna nodded politely towards the gentleman, placed her hand onto Ian's and parted through the crowd towards the dance floor.

"You need to place your hand on my shoulder to dance, Anna." Ian informed her when he noticed she was still standing still across him on the dance floor.

"Of course." Anna placed her hand on his shoulder feeling the solid muscle beneath instead of the paddings where most gentleman used.

"Don't look so nervous. It would look as though I bore you dreadfully, though I can say that about the ball." Ian teased earning a small smile from her. The first from this whole evening, he noticed.

"With the music and dancing, I doubt it is anything but boring." The music played and they commenced dancing. Anna still discreetly felt dubious to her surroundings.

"Without you to amuse, I am afraid it has been a bore indeed." He stated and captured Anna's complete attention as he stared into her eyes, focusing only on her, giving her his ultimate attention and that gorgeous smile, warm and comforting, made Anna's lips to smile.

"One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been."



"I wonder how high the pile of quotes you have stored in your mind. Possibly as far as Jupiter."

"Probably Saturn." She grinned, grateful how he always managed to ease her of worries, and they moved in accordance with the music gracefully, his hands on her waist, her hips swaying, their gaze lingers. The music serenading their synchronized movement. Anna could feel the tension within her slowly dissipated until the music finally ended.

"Would you like any refreshment?" Ian offered as they stepped away from the dance floor.

"I think I need some fresh air." They walked towards the balcony which overlooked the extensive garden. There were few people scattered around the midst of the balcony, thus they made their way towards the far end of the balcony.

"Do you not like going to balls or parties?" Ian leaned against the railing looking in towards the crowded ballroom, Anna stood beside him looking towards the glimmering garden.

"I do not mind them, but I don't really fancy them, anymore." Anna admired the silhouette of the trees and lifted her gaze towards the dark sky searching for the brightest star.


"Did I say anymore?" She disregarded with a smile still searching for the star, moonlight casting over her strong facial feature and Ian took in her face. She was beautiful, with a smile that can melt the coldest heart. Her huge eyes glints and gleam over the long and thick lashes, emanating such pure innocent soul. The small, sharp, and perfect nose made her looked adorable. But her lips, full and lush was completely enticing.

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