Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The dowager, lady Wentworth, Elise and Anna were already seated having their breakfast when Ian stepped in to join them.

"Good morning, do you have any plans for today?" Elise asked after pouring the tea in her cup and reaching for the milk.

"I'm afraid I need to finish some work. Why do you inquire so?" Ian took a seat across Anna with his brows slightly knitted together.

"I was going to invite you to meet our neighbour. You know that Nancy has always adore you, brother." Elise teased.

"Do send my regards but I'll have to pass on the intriguing offer." Ian smirked taking a bread and spread generous amount of butter on it. They continued to talk while Anna noticed that lady Wentworth has been quieter than usual, although she was usually quiet, nonetheless.

"You look well, Ian." Lady Wentworth spoke after a long moment had passed and the comment lingered in the cold air without any immediate response from Ian which impelled Anna to steal a glimpse of his silence and around the table who seemed to be wearing the similar creases between their brows.

"Yes, I am well." Ian replied after the pregnant silence, then excused himself short after and left the room. Anna noticed the odd tension that Ian left within the room but was quickly resumed to the discussion of their trip to London for Elise's debut.

Later that evening, Anna sat alone in the drawing room while waiting for the other ladies to join per usual. Staring out the huge window and was deep in her thoughts regarding their trip to London in the following month. It had been years since she met anyone else aside from her employees and now returning to the society, someone might-

"Good evening, Anna, somehow I am not surprised to see you being the first to be seated." Ian noted and took a seat opposite her.

"Good evening, Lord Wentworth, yes, as you know, dowager Lady Wentworth detests tardiness." Anna fidgeted in her seat.

"That is true. You seemed occupied as I walked in, what have you in mind?" Ian leaned with a smirk. His gaze focused on her.

"Oh, it is nothing really, just admiring the beautiful sunset." She said shakily.

"It is dark. It has been half an hour since the sun, set." He replied as a matter of factly, which made Anna cursed herself for concluding with a lame excuse. All the while, Ian studied her which made it more impossible to be witty at the moment.

"My, it was too beautiful that it immersed my mind for far too long." Anna wished he would not press the issue further which thankfully he complied, and they talked civilly, much differently as they had before which rattled Ian slightly more than it should.

"Please, just call me Ian, as you did before."

"I cannot possibly do that, my Lord. One does not call their better by their name. For then I did not know who you were while now I know that you are the Lord of the house. I simply cannot, my lord." Anna replied civilly.

"You are much more reserved than you were. Tell me, Anna. Which do you prefer, the reserved Miss Credence or the more affable Anna? If I were to choose, I like the more affable Anna." He gave her a wink and smirked.

"Well, my lord. One is ought to know how to behave, when to behave and most especially to whom you behave. For instance, one is required to be dressed immaculately and behaves in one's best manner when one is meeting a member of the crown."

"Was I just being compared to a member of the crown? I am indeed immensely flattered, Miss Credence." He placed his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Whatever gives you pleasure, my lord. Even if it may come in the form of distortion." Anna teased, recalling their previous conversation with such ease. Ian simply smiled at her teasing comment, just in time when his grandmother stepped in together with his stepsister and they continued their courteous natter together as they always do each evening.

Their evening together was mostly spent with great pleasure. The dowager would sit on her favourite chair by the hearth with George lounging closely by her foot. While Elise sat on the long couch either with her embroidery or a novel at hand. Anna would sit on the other couch across the dowager, with her book to read aloud for the dowager or at times with her embroidery because the dowager had suggested that a lady should always improve their embroidery skills. Now additionally, Ian sat by the empty couch too closely to Anna's preference.

"Good day dowager lady Wentworth, this is Anna Credence. I believe that she will be a wonderful companion to you, lady Wentworth as well as lady Elise. She is well mannered and capable of English literature, piano forte, embroidery, horse riding and many other good qualities that you will find agreeable. I am sure she will settle in quickly to your likings."

"Are you in mourning?" The dowager asked, noticing the dark coloured dress she wore along with the thin veil that covered her face.

"Yes. My father had recently passed, my lady."

"My condolences. Do take off your veil for a moment, if you don't mind so that I can see your face more clearly." The dowager raised her hand in a dismissing manner and Anna pushed the veil away from her hidden face. The dowager took in Anna's flushed face before returning her attention to the old lady.

"She is highly recommended and is very much agreeable thus I hope that she will be a wonderful companion for you and the other ladies." The old lady praised while Anna bowed her head abashed.

"Yes, so I've heard." The dowager simply acknowledged. She had heard of many highly recommended companions who were just not capable enough to her high standards. They always have something that was lacking and that piqued the dowager too much to keep them any further.

"And she has great knowledge on the Greek mythologies, the word of God as well as poetries and books." The old lady continued and talked over Anna as though she was not present while Anna sat quietly, occasionally giving a small smile. The dowager seemed bored and indifferent. Thus, Anna was pleasantly surprised when she was offered to be shown to her room. After the long journey, Anna managed to scan the small and simple room briefly before putting down her small valise and coat onto the empty chair. This is comfortable and secluded, thought Anna. The dowager seemed nice despite the stern image she portrayed earlier. Yet, she could sense a tint of fairness if not goodness from the brief meeting earlier. Anna knew what true malicious was like-

Shook her head and was ready to start the new beginning here at the Claremont house. She washed and changed into her nightgown before taking out a paper and pen onto the small table by the window. Despite the weariness, Anna sat on the chair and began to write a short letter to her dear aunt, explaining on the new position that she had found and the termination of her previous work. Once finished, she folded the letter, added a bank note, and placed them into the envelope. 

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