Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"I won't hear you make another fuss on the matter anymore. It is decided and done. Go and tell Fanny to help you prepare for tonight." The dowager affirmed raising her cup stating her final decision. Anna could only sigh in defeat.

"Don't look so sombre, you've already done that with your outfit alone." The dowager added, staring down at her mourning gown.

"I accepted you here with the knowledge that your father passed two years ago which meant that your mourning period has long ended. I do not see why you insist on continuing to extend that period nor do I wish to understand it. However, since this is in regard to my granddaughter, I will not tolerate this conduct and you will do as I say. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my lady." Anna understood what the dowager said and could no longer make her father's passing an excuse for her to not attend any social events. As a paid companion, it was her duty to attend and entertain guests. Since most of her time with the dowager has been spent in the country area, there were no balls nor many foreign guests. Most especially when the dowager herself was not interested in social calls. Tonight, she will have to go with the Wentworth family to Lord Millington's ball which Elise had specifically invited her to join.

Anna stood in front of the looking glass in her chamber, feeling a strange sensation as she looked at the reflection of herself in the mirror, a familiar lady that she once knew. Her golden hair twisted and secured in a simple updo showing her elongated bare neck down to her ample cleavage under the bodice that highlighted her small waist. Opted for the simpler sky-blue coloured robe a l'anglaise over a simple white petticoat, the colour much less exciting than she used to wear. Though, a pleasant change from her usual dull coloured dress for the past three years. The close fitted sleeve with beautiful ruffles falls perfectly along her arms. Her face was almost bare, the few freckles visibly adorned her fair skin which she paid no mind, spare the lightly patted rose cheeks and strawberry tinted lips which made her blue eyes gleamed and sparkle.

"I need more powder, Susie. Do you know how fair Lady Mariana's skin is? It is as smooth as porcelain. Everyone at the ball have their eyes on fair Lady Mariana. Oh, how I envy her." Adrianna smoothed the powder on her ivory skin that her maid handed.

"I have no doubt they have their eyes on you as well, Riana, or so how I've heard." The old man sat back on the chair smoothing out his long coat, trying to look bored.

"Oh papa! Tell me who! And who told you?" Adrianna squealed.

"Only if you hurry, shall I tell you all about it in the carriage." Her father smiled.

"Oh papa, you always know how to rush me. How I wish mama is here."

"She will be very proud of you. You look very much alike to your mother. You have her hair and those eyes, it's as if I am looking right at your mother." Her father stood and embraced her tenderly.

"I missed her still. I thought after all these years I'd miss her less yet somehow I missed her even more."

"As do I, my dear. Come now, we shall not ruin your make up that you've already perfected. Your stepmother might already be waiting for us downstairs."

"Oh, I doubt that father. I know how mother is more meticulous than I in regards of her appearances." Adrianna teased.

"You know her well indeed. How are you coming along with her, Riana?"

"Very well, indeed. She's nice to me and I to her if that's what you wish to know. Do not concern yourself. I just want you to be happy. Perhaps you will be as happy as you were with mama." She sincerely wished her father to be as he was before her mother's sudden death. The happiest time which resembled the times he was with mother was after meeting Miss Bertha months ago, who became her stepmother a fortnight ago.

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