Sunday, April 1st, 1917

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The day was full of small, very very harmless jokes around the trench. Schofield half expected Blake to take part in the shenanigans, surprised when he had found out he hadn't.

He found the young boy at their tree, sleeping. He sat against the trunk, picking up his book. He stopped a moment, setting it down.

Something seemed wrong. He hardly saw the energetic boy sleeping like that. He debated on if he should wake him or not.

He gently nudged the boy, expression hardening when Blake flicked him off. “ You're off.” He said flatly.

“ what do you mean by that?” Blake's voice sounded funny under the helmet.

“ not sure. But you've been acting weird. “ Schofield said. He's been a little harsh since the other day.

He didn't want to be as attached to the boy as he was. It reminded him of the girls who wait for him to come home. His eldest always wanted hugs, but never knew how to ask for them.

She was too nervous.

He's too nervous.

Schofield shook his head. “ sarge might yell at you if you keep bumming around doing bloody nothing. “

“ He can stay mad, because I'm bloody tired.” “ We all are, blake. Give it a rest. It's time to be a soldier, not some boy playing around. There's work to be done. I'm not gonna be nice to you forever.”

“ I don't want you to be nice to me forever. Just piss off and let me sleep.”

“ don't say I didn't warn you about Sargent. “

A Heart Like Yours ~ 1917 Where stories live. Discover now