Tuesday, March 27th, 1917

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Blake stared at the trench from the tree he stood by, sighing softly. " I hope Joey's okay-" He said, Schofield placing a hand on his shoulder. " I'm sure he is. Now cmon, we should get going before sarge yells at us."

Scho walked down into the trench, blake hesitantly following. " They're not sending a wave today, but we've got to pretend we're doing something useful."

Blake nodded. " okay."

The sound of engines made soldiers glance up, planes.

They weren't close, but just from the hum of it, they could tell it wasn't theirs.

" scho youve got food?" Blake said, minutes later. Schofield sighed, handing him ham and bread.

This time he didn't say anything but thanks. " you got mail." Scho said, handing him a letter.

Blake read through it as they walked to their stations, sighing. " I feel bad. She's all alone, no ones home to help her. I bet it's lonely-" " At least shes got myrtle." Scho reminded.

" yeah. " Blake smiled. " at least she's got myrtle."

A Heart Like Yours ~ 1917 Where stories live. Discover now