Tuesday, April 3rd, 1917

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Schofield kicked Blake's boot. “ Up. Work. “ He said, Blake groaning.

He sat up, putting his helmet on. “ Get up. No more slumming around. “

“ Fine. Bloody hell.” He mumbled, getting up and trudging down to the trench.

“ Why have you gotten so fussy lately? I've done nothing to cause you to retaliate against me-” Schofield said. It was probably the first and last time he's spoke up about what's on his mind.

Blake turned to him. “ I'm scared. I'm scared, okay? I don't know if we're gonna make it out or not. I don't want to die- I-”

“ It will be okay, blake. “ He interrupted. “ You will make it out. You and your brother. You both will make it back home, to your mum, in the fields, with myrtle. Safe.” He said. His words seemed to comfort the boy.

“ We will be okay.”

A Heart Like Yours ~ 1917 Where stories live. Discover now