Heart Like Yours

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Schofield took a soft breath, leaning his head back against the tree. Blake lay beside him, helmet covering his face.

The wispy fall air bit at his face, and he glanced down at the boy beside him. The sun cast an orange hue across the French fields, and Schofield stared into the horizon.

Blake shot up, helmet falling into his lap. The boy was panting, and he looked pale as snow. Schofield lifted his gaze, glancing at the younger boy.

Blake did not return his gaze, looking at his now shaking hands.

" Are you alright?" Schofield asked gently. It wasn't unusual for any of them to wake up in a panic. Infact, it was more common than not.

2 years into the war, and everyone was tired of fighting for their lives. So many die, and so many survive holding the dead.

Blake nodded, taking a deep breath. " Yeah. I'm fine mate-" He said, his face slowly regaining its color.

" you've got any food, lad?" He finally met his gaze. Schofield nodded, pulling out a bit of bread and ham for the younger.

He'd been doing this for a few months now, since the younger had always complained about being hungry on missions.

The younger boy's eyes lit up as he took it, thanking him. " It tastes like shoes." He grumbled.

" you say that every time." Schofield said flatly. " Because it's true. " Blake scoffed.

" There's not much we can do." Schofield said quietly, glancing down to the trenches. " mail came." He said, handing the boy a letter.

Blake took it, trying to read Schofields expression. He shook it off, opening it eagerly. His face grew into a huge grin, clearly excited about the news.

Schofield didn't want to ask, he never did. But this time, Blake hadn't shared. He pocketed the letter, tossing a leaf at the olders face.

" How come you've never got mail?" " I never write. So I never get a reply. " Schofield replied calmly.

Blake frowned. " Don't you want to know what's going on?" " It's best if I don't know. It gives me less to worry about. It's not like there's a high chance of us coming out of this alive. If I do go home, I'll figure it out then."

" That's no way to think. Shouldn't you at least have hope?" " Hope is long gone, Blake. "

Blake fell silent. For once, the younger was serious about something. " What about your wife-?"

" Even if I do survive, I will never be the same man I was once before. I'll never be the proper father to my daughters."

" You've got kids?" Blake stared at the older in disbelief. Schofield nodded. " two."

Blake's expression softened. " oh." " it's nothing you should be concerned about. They'll be okay. "

" but how will they know if you're still alive? If you never send letters, or- or take your leave?"

There came no reply. " have you got someone?" Schofield glanced at Blake. The younger shook his head. " nope. Just my mum and Joseph-"

" must be stressful for her, if both of her sons are fighting far from home. " " She's bloody worried. " Blake stifled a laugh.

" She was bloody pissed when I signed up after Joe. " Schofield just smiled at the young boy.


A Heart Like Yours ~ 1917 Where stories live. Discover now