Harley and Ivy

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"So you're like a voodoo doll?" Harley chirped, rubbing the back of her head, "A human voodoo doll.. Cool!"

I turned to face the girl, confusion and offense written so clearly on my face, "How is that cool?"

"How is it not?" she perked up, "You could do a ton of crazy shit with a power like that."

"Like what?" I inquired, not really understanding what my blonde friend was getting at.

"Like use it to escape," Ivy added, wanting to join in on the conversation.

"I can't control it yet," I admitted to the girl, sheepishly.

"Jonathan said he'll help me though. And that he won't tell anyone."

Ivy cringed, "Do you really have to call him by his first name? I mean gee, Y/n, he's your doctor." she rolled her eyes, "And a man."

I internally laughed, wondering how Jonathan being a man made it that much worse. The way she said it too; it was like venom came spitting out of her mouth as she did.

"You're right, Ivy," I teased, "I should really just use my curse to kill him. I mean, he is a man, after all."

"And they say I'm the crazy one!" Harley joked along.

"You are," said the ginger, "But don't worry, you both can be."

"Walk me through it again! I want all the details," Harley spoke, quickly changing the conversation.

I, already knowing what she was talking about, plastered a look of confusion onto my face,

"Through what?"

"Don't do that.

"I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Okay," she shrugged, "If you want Ivy to know all about-"

"OK!" I stopped her, before moving to a whisper, "Fine.."

"No, not fine. What don't you want Ivy knowing?" the ginger interrupted, referring to herself in the third person.

"Nothin, Just the real reason Y/n and Crane have been scheduling so many sessions together."

"There is no real reason," I interrupted, not allowing Ivy to jump to conclusions.

"He's my doctor."

"A doctor that you're on a first-name basis with," Harley shrugged, "But yah, he's just your doctor."

"Right," I sighed. "How dare I call a person by their name."

"Not just any person; your doctor! And not just any name; their first one!"

"I'm so confused right now," Ivy jumped in, "Is this just about the name thing cause even I've gotten over it," she half-lied.

"Can we just get back to the human voodoo doll thing?" she spoke again, already growing bored of Harley and I's bickering.

"Yes," I sighed, looking to get a way out of talking about Jonathan and I.

"We're talking more about this in our room," Harley pouted, crossing her arms.

Ignoring her antics, I turned to Ivy, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Our plan," she stated.

"Our plan?"

"For escaping."

"Ivy, I already said I can't control it."

"But Crane's gonna help you, right?" Harley chirped, begging for a way to talk about him again.

If I didn't know Harley and her crazy obsession and loyalty for and to the Joker, I'd have thought she was interested in Jonathan. I knew she was just bored though, seeing as our only form of entertainment in here didn't really count as entertainment; Jonathan and I's 'relationship' was just Harley's own personal reality TV show.

"Yes," I sighed, realizing we were right back where we started.

"Are we sure he's qualified for that?" Ivy judged, "I know he's a doctor but his specialty is psychology."

"Plus, Crane couldn't even diagnose you with this himself, you literally self diagnosed yourself," Ivy added, "But he is a man, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised he couldn't figure it out himself."

Growing annoyed with her constant insults about him, I rolled my eyes.

"If he knew, he would've told me," I told Ivy, trying so desperately to defend the man.

"Well I'm personally surprised he didn't," Harley randomly added.

"I bet he was like 'Oh my god! I didn't know, I'm just a dumb, clueless man!' when he found out." Ivy teased, using her right hand as a puppet to mock the man.

"That's an awful impersonation, Red." the blonde defended, "He was probably more like, 'Oh my god! I didn't know, let's make out now!'"

"Guys!" I shouted, trying to contain my laughter.

"We're kidding, Y/n," Harley lied, grinning.

"We're not," Ivy stated, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, we're not," the blonde then quickly admitted.

Though they annoyed the hell out of me sometimes, I loved Harley and Ivy so much. They've made my stay at Arkham better than I could have ever imagined.

If someone told me, just a month ago, that I'd be in Arkham Asylum becoming best friends with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, I'd laugh in their faces. Crazy how I'm now laughing with the two and not at the thought of them.

I watched as the two bickering about who knows what and sighed; I was content. I didn't love staying at Arkham, but I did love all the people I got to meet because of it.

I quickly cringed trying to brush off the sappy thoughts, "So.." I turned to Harley and Ivy, "How are we gonna do this?"

"Do what?" the two simultaneously questioned.

"Escape," I said, with a grin on my face.

And so our planning began, though we probably wouldn't be able to get to the actual escaping part any time soon, just talking about it was getting me excited.

I'd finally be free; free from Arkham, officially free from my parents, free from the world, and free from everyone else's opinions stopping me from doing what I wanted. What I want exactly, I have no idea. I hoped though, that with the help of my two best friends, I'd be able to figure it out.

I knew that whatever it was, I wanted it to be with them though.. and maybe even with Jonathan. But I knew planning for the future was too extreme. I needed to get a handle on controlling my ability first.

His Patient || Jonathan Crane x Reader - Book 1 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu