Worst of the Worst

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As I walked through the gates of Arkham Asylum, I felt absolutely nothing. I wasn't angry, I wasn't sad, and I definitely was not relieved. I thought I would be, considering the alternative was Blackgate, but I wasn't.

How was I supposed to react? I was sent somewhere I didn't belong for something I didn't do. Plus the reason for it stayed the same no matter where I went, it was because I killed my parents. So here I was, trapped in an asylum- Arkham Asylum- with the worst of the worst.

I changed into the clothes I was handed- the very uncomfortable, plain-looking clothes- and was soon guided to a room, my room.

In there, I met my roommate. Her blonde hair up in two pigtails, with pink and blue tips on either side. She had skin that looked to have been bleached white and her eyes were a pretty blue.

"Harley Quinn, pleasure to meet ya!" she smiled, putting her hand out for me to shake.

I knew exactly who she was.

I looked around the room, taking in the scenery, the lack of windows, the bunk bed, the scratched up walls, and the single desk, before grabbing a hold of her hand and shaking it.

"Y/n L/n," I spoke as the person who brought me here walked away.

I looked around some more, trying to get used to everything, before Harley spoke up,

"What'd ya do ta get thrown in here?"

"They think I killed my parents," I told her.

"And did ya?" she grinned.

I stared at her for a while, not really knowing how to answer. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and get on her, or anyone's, bad side. Who knew what she was capable of?

"What'd you do?" I asked back, dodging her question.

Harley's grin faltered before she quickly plastered it back on, "It's the stupid bat's fault," she pouted.

"Joker and I were just getting ready for our date and he ambushed us!"

"Joker? As in-"

"The Clown Prince of Crime," she interrupted, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing, "That's him."

"Is he here too?" I asked, nervously.

"Mhm! Batsy got both of us. But they got my Puddin in electroshock therapy right now for cutting Zsasz."

"Victor Zsasz is here too?!" my eyes widened as I began biting my nails.

"Yup!" she paused, "Ya know... He'd probably like you," she smiled, gesturing towards my scars, "I can set you two up if you want."

"That's okay.." I blushed, brushing the thought away immediately.

"Of course I had to be thrown in with the worst of the worst.." I thought.

"Are they tally marks too, Button?"

"What?" I asked, confusion written on my face from both the question and nickname.

"Your scars," she says, eyebrows furrowed as she awaited my answer.

"No," I mumbled, looking up at her, "They're not."



As we were led down the hall, heading toward the day room, I was able to get a look at some of the other patients in rooms across from me. None of them looked familiar, I couldn't figure out whether that was a good or bad thing though.

Eventually, Harley and I got to the day room and she jumped up and down from excitement as she saw Joker, "Hey, Puddin!" she squealed, running towards him.

Somehow, the clown prince of crime looked even more intimidating here than on screen. Despite this though, I wasn't really worried as I knew he couldn't do much here.

The guards around suddenly became very wary as they watched the Harley and Joker, expecting something to happen. They all grabbed a hold of their guns just in case and I gulped watching the events unfold.

I stood in place, not knowing where to go from here, and stared at Harley and Joker as he held her tightly in his grip.

She suddenly jumped out of his hands and shouted towards me, "Y/n, get over here, Button!"

I hesitantly walked towards the two as I saw Joker's eyes and grin widen.

Before he could get a word out, a girl with red hair came over, "Who's this?" the girl spoke with a sultry delivery.

"I haven't been umm formally introduced either," Joker added.

I stood still not knowing what to say as everything was happening so quickly. I hadn't even had time to take in my surroundings.

"Y/n L/n, she's in for the murder of her parents." Harley quickly added, leaving no room for awkward silence.

"Hmm.. And did you do it?" Joker inquired, leaning in.

I chose to ignore his question because the look on his face said he already knew the answer. How he did, I had no idea.

My, and Joker's, attention was suddenly stolen by the doctor stepping into the area. It was Dr. Crane.

"Really great meeting you," Joker gestures towards me, bringing his hand out for me to shake.

Not wanting to offend the clown, I quickly took it. Groaning as his fingers pinched my hand, I took my arm away and his grin faltered.

Joker suddenly headed towards the doctor, not waiting for an answer to his previous question.

I stared at the two as their conversation went on and on. Every so often, they'd throw glances towards me. This caused me to believe they were talking about me.

I couldn't hear them due to the low volume of their voices compared to everyone else, at one point though, I could have sworn I heard Joker shout, "You lied to me!"

"Dreamy, ain't he?" Harley inquired, noticing my staring.

With brows furrowed, my head whipped in her direction and she immediately retracted.

"Not for me, silly! I'm loyal to Mistah J. I meant for you."

"He's the reason I'm in here." I stated, suddenly becoming angry.

"All men are vermin," the ginger added.

"This is Ivy," Harley smiled.

I glanced towards the girl then quickly returned my attention back to Joker and Crane, "Are they close?" I asked.

"They work together," Harley answered and I said no more as I didn't want to cross any lines.

I suddenly felt a gaze on me, turning around I searched for the eyes that bored into my back and saw a pale, bald man with scars all over.

"Told ya!" Harley grinned.

I pulled the sleeves of my shirt down, suddenly feeling self conscious. As I did so, the mans eyes looked into mine curiously before shifting away.

"Is this your first time?" Ivy asked, as her head tilted in my direction.

"My first time..?"

"Getting thrown in a Nuthouse."

"I've been to three others, never Arkham though," I told her, "and never for long," I grinned, an idea popping into my head.

His Patient || Jonathan Crane x Reader - Book 1 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora