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"How are you feeling, Y/n?"

With lazy eyes, I looked up at the doctor. As I tried keeping my composure, my grip on the chair tightened.

"Fuzzy," I answered vaguely, not sure how to describe it and looked away.

"Can you explain that more for me?" Dr. Crane asked, offering a polite smile.

I looked up at him again and started crying, "No.." I admitted, "It hurts to think."

The doctor began taking notes and in a hushed tone, I spoke up, "Have you ever been in that room?" I asked him.

"No," he answered simply.

"It's horrible, Dr. Crane" I told him, "I can't go back there."

"You won't have to," he smiled, placing his hand over mine.

His touch felt odd as my entire body was numb and tingling, but it still provided comfort.

"That feels weird," I admitted sheepishly to the doctor.

"It won't for long," he replied, pulling his hand away.

And though I longed for his comforting touch again, I said nothing.



"You were there," I paused, "Do you think I stabbed her?"

"I don't think you meant to," he replied, and though his answer wouldn't have been enough for most, it was enough for me because, in that moment, he was the only person who listened to me.

"Deja Vu," I joked, laughing a little.


"How ya feelin, Button?"

"Like a zombie," I told my blonde haired friend, resting my head against her shoulder.

"Don't worry," Harley patted my head, "You'll get used to it."

"I don't want to get used to it," I thought.

"Have you been?" I instead said, lifting my head off Harley's shoulder to get a better look at her.

"Mhm! I was just in there last week," she grinned.

"I'm surprised they did it to you while unconscious, normally they use electroshock as a form of punishment," Ivy added.

"I bet it was the doc's idea," Harley jumped in, wiggling her eyebrows.

"You think?" I asked, entertaining the idea.

"He just couldn't stand the thought of someone hurting his Button," Harley teased, "Unless it's him doing the hurtin.."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothin, I've just heard some things about your doc.."

"Like what?"

"Harley!" Joker interrupted, "We need to talk.."

"Vermin," Ivy spat as she watched the Joker drag Harley away.

"Do you know what she was talking about?" I asked the ginger.

"Nope," she answered simply, "Never do."

"Dr. Crane seems nice," I softly spoke, "He listens to me.. I don't think he'd hurt me."

"Never underestimate men."

"He's my doctor, Ivy."

"And that makes him safe?"

"I guess not, but.."

"But what? He's different?" Ivy rolled her eyes, "You sound like Harley."

"How's that a bad thing?!" the aforementioned blonde shouted from across the room as she hugged the Joker.

"Ignore her," Ivy retorted, "She's crazy."

"Takes one to know one!" Harley shouted again.

The sounds of the blonde and ginger arguing were drowned out by the sound of doors opening as in walked the 'infamous' brown-haired doctor.

I stared at him as I thought about what Harley and Ivy told me. "Why would he hurt me?" I pondered.

"Told ya!" Harley shouted in my ear, suddenly standing by my side. "She's in love!"

"No," Ivy stated, "She's not. Right, Y/n?"

I glanced at the two of them before returning my gaze to Dr. Crane, who was now standing next to Joker.

"Of course not," I spoke, staring at the hand he held onto earlier, "he's my doctor."

"And if he wasn't?" Ivy scoffed.

"Then she'd be all for it!" Harley guessed.

"I wouldn't be," I told the two.

"Then why won't you just let me set you up with Zsasz?"

"Can we stop talking about this?" I rolled my eyes, suddenly feeling annoyed with the repetitiveness of our conversations.

"Fine," Harley crossed her arms, "Let's just play a game.

"Lunch is over!" a guard and nurse shouted simultaneously.

As Harley and I walked back to our room, I couldn't stop all the thoughts about Dr. Crane rushing into my head. One thought in particular that just wouldn't leave was "Why was he always with Joker?".  

"Harley?" I spoke, taking a seat next to her on her bed.

"What kind of work do Joker and Dr. Crane do together?" I asked her, suddenly feeling the confidence to.

"Hmm.." she scratched the back of her neck, "I'm not allowed to say."

"Why not?"

"Cause Mistah J said so," she crossed her arms, tilting her head up and looking away.

"Please, Harley."

"Fine.." she quickly caved, "But you can't tell him I told you."

I nodded as I waited for her to begin.

"I'm finally going to get some answers," I thought, smiling internally.

"Okay, you ever heard of Scarecrow?"

My eyes widened as I thought about how he could possibly be connected to Dr. Crane.

"Your doc's working with him, J is too. They're planning something big," she whispered, "I heard them talking about it, said they got some weapon."

"What kind of weapon?"

"I don't know," she admitted, "but they're gonna use it to take down Batsy."

"It's that powerful?" I gasped.

"They seem to think so," Harley shrugged.

"Is there big plan soon?"

"J's been real upset lately, I think something's wrong with Crane's weapon."

"It's Dr. Cranes?"

"I probably shouldn't have said that.." she squirmed.

"Harley.." I started.

"Fine," she threw her hands up, "Yeah.. It's the doc's."

"What do you think it is?"

"Probably a bomb or something," she shrugged, "Or maybe a bazooka!"

"Would he really have something like that?"

"Well it's Crane, he could have anything. He's a lot worse than you think he is, Y/n."

"But I bet that's why ya like him, huh?" she grinned, nudging my shoulder with her own, "We're more alike than you think, Button."

I stared at the girl for a moment, not knowing what to say. There was so much on my mind, I couldn't focus on just one thing. "Harley.." I simply spoke.

His Patient || Jonathan Crane x Reader - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now