Wetnurse - Part 3 - Jon x Theon x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way through the corridors of the castle. Even though she hadn't shown it in front of them, she had heard everything that Theon had said to Robb; her heart breaking with every awful word. She had made no secret of what had happened to her, before she had found a new life in Winterfell. No secret of what the bandits had done to her as they had raided her village. No secret of the child that she had born, and then lost; yet none of the family had judged her for the things that had been done to her, for the things that she had had to endure...........well, no one had until now that is. The wetnurse fighting back tears, as she rushed out into the courtyard, taking a much needed breath of cool air.

She had known that having feelings for the kraken was foolish; that she was a servant, and he a noble, and therefore, the dreams that she had had about calling Theon hers, had little chance of coming to fruition; yet she had liked to think that they did have a kind of friendship, (Y/n) always enjoying his company when he would come to Rickon's room. But now, now it seemed obvious that it had all been a lie. That whatever she had thought, had been wrong. That the whole time that he had sat talking to her, it had just been some wicked joke, that only the kraken was privy to.

"(Y/n).............?" The voice causing the wetnurse to turn on her heels. Jon looking at her; his brows drawn together.


"Is everything alright..........?" The young man continued, as he made his way over to her.

Jon, he was such a lovely boy, and he had always been good to her; (Y/n) doing her best to smile, as he made his way over to her. The bastard son of the Warden of the North, taking her hand and leading her over to where a brazier crackled happily.

"I'm fine..........." (Y/n) replied, trying to sound as convincing as she could, as he brough forward a stool so that she could sit and warm herself. The wetnurse again doing all she could to keep the smile on her lips, as his quizzical look turned to one of doubt.

"Really Jon, everything is fine............" She continued, as she turned her attention to the fire; trying to ignore the look that he was giving her.

(Y/n) knew that he was well aware that she was lying; Jon just seemed to be able to tell. The wetnurse often wishing that her affections could have fallen on him, and not Theon; the treatment of him by Lady Catelyn the only thing that (Y/n) didn't like about the older woman. Not sure how anyone could look down on someone like the lady looked at him. Though the wetnurse had to suppose that no woman would want to be confronted by walking, talking proof of their husband's infidelity, everyday; but no matter her liking for Jon, controlling ones heart was not something you could do. It wanted what it wanted, and even if it meant that it would be broken in the end, it would still look to its desire for even the slightest glimmer of hope. (Y/n) suddenly realising that tears were steadily making their way down her cheeks. The wetnurse closing her eyes, as Jon reached forward and carefully brushed away the tears.

"(Y/n)...............?" Jon began, only to have the rest of his words forgotten, as the wetnurse suddenly fell into his arms. Her sobs wetting his shirt, as he did his best to comfort her.


Jon listened with disbelief and a growing sense of anger, as a now calmer (Y/n) told him what had happened. Told him of what she had overheard Theon tell his brother. What she had heard him call her, compare her to. The young Snow finding it hard to believe that even Theon could be that cruel to someone as loving as she was.

It was true that he and Theon were not what you would call the best of friends; that the kraken would enjoy cruelly teasing him over the fact that he was a bastard. But to say such things about (Y/n), was low even for Theon. The thing that connected them, the fact that he, Theon and (Y/n) were all outsiders, despite what others might say, should have meant that they were close; and Jon believed that he and the wetnurse were just that. Yet Theon, being arrogant, did not care for that. In fact, Jon believed that Theon could only ever care for one person..........Theon.

"Everything will be alright, (Y/n). You could always come and spend more time with me..........." Jon finally said, as she went quiet. The bastard of Winterfell reaching up his hand once again and placing it on her cheek. The young man slowly inching closer to the wetnurse, until he could place his lips on hers.


Theon had finally excused himself from the table, ignoring the look from Robb, before he had made his way to the door; quickly winding his way through the darkened corridors. He had to find (Y/n). He had to apologise; somehow explain why he had been so vile. Not that he knew what he was going to say; not that he knew if there was a way that he could explain his reasons, his stupidity. But he at least had to try something. He had to look into her eyes and beg for her forgiveness; but first, he had to find her, and as she was not in Rickon's room, nor her own; Theon had a feeling that there was only one other place that she could be. Only one other person that she might be with. And that..........that was Jon.

Theon was well aware that Ned's bastard and the wetnurse got on well. (Y/n) mentioning on more than one occasion that she thought Jon was such a sweet young man. The Ironborn prince feeling jealousy gnaw at his insides whenever just so much as the bastard's name would pass her lips. A feeling that there was more between the pair, than just a friendship, nagging at him when he would find the two talking. But now was not the time for that; now was the time to find the beautiful wetnurse. Theon making his way out into the courtyard; his footfalls faltering, as there beside a brightly glowing fire, he saw her. The wetnurse, his (Y/n) and the bastard of Winterfell, kissing................ 

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