In the strangest places - Part 1 - Roose x Reader

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For MissFantastique511

The Dreadfort. It was not a place that she had ever wanted to think about, never mind see, yet here she was, looking up at the dark castle that if she did not know better, she would swear was the entrance to the Seven Hells. It had to have been forsaken by the gods. It had to be the most evil place in the whole of the Seven Kingdoms. But thanks to her father, she was to be its new mistress.

It was a foreboding sight, there was no denying it; and she could only imagine what horrors lay within its walls, as the Dreadfort came ever closer. The coach quickly carrying her towards her fate.

None of this had been her choice; a marriage to the head of House Bolton agreed on after a meeting between her father and Roose. Roose, a man that she had never met, let alone had any kind of feelings for. But her father had never cared about her feelings. Never cared about her. She was his only child, an unwanted girl. Her father unable to replace her with a son, no matter what he had tried. Despised by her own blood, for her gender and the supposed failings of her sex. In other circumstances, she might have been happy to have been married off; a husband surely not as awful as her father had been to her all her life. But Roose...........

She had heard a number of stories about her husband to be, none of which had been good. People saying that the older man was ruthless at best, and easily capable of unspeakable cruelties at worst. That he had the most calm and calculating personality, not given to public displays of emotions, of anger, happiness, or sadness. Yet he had sent the coach for her. He had ensured that it was filled with good furs to keep her warm on the journey. And he had even sent a large cloak with a beautiful fur collar, to shield her from the cold northern air. So perhaps..........

"Nearly there, milady!" A voice suddenly exclaimed loudly; loud enough so that it could be heard above the sound of the carriage wheels rumbling over the uneven road. The lady doing her best to steady her nerves. She did not want to appear weak, scared when she met the older man; for despite everything, she wanted to make a good impression. Hoping that if she proved that she could be a good wife, he in turn would be good to her.


Roose looked around the room that he had had prepared for the woman that was due to arrive at any moment. He had not planned on finding himself a bride when he had journeyed further south to meet an old comrade that he had fought with in Robert's Rebellion. A man that had also distinguished himself during the Battle of the Trident. But when he had spied her as she had promenaded, alone in the gardens, he had known that he had had to have her. Her beauty, even from a distance, quite taking his breath away. Even Roose shocked by his old friend's attitude towards his daughter, when the two of them had spoken about her. Her father offering him a king's ransom as a dowery, if he would take her as his bride. The Lord of the Dreadfort, more than happy to accept the deal.

His was aware that his young bride to be, must have heard many things about him; many things that may make her think less of him. So, he had sent his best coach. He had filled it with the finest furs and sent her a cloak to make sure that she stayed warm on her journey further north.

Normally he would admit that he was not a man known for tenderness; for displays of care or concern. But there was something about her; something about the sadness in her eyes, that had made him want to treat her better than her father had. Something that made him want to be as good a husband to her, as he could be, when they were married in a matter of days.

"Milord..........the carriage has just arrived.........." One of the servants announced, as he stood in the doorway. Roose nodding and giving the room one last look, before he made his way down to the courtyard. The lord sure that Ramsay would be watching the goings on, from somewhere. Sure that his bastard would want to catch a glimpse of the woman, that would hopefully give his father the true legitimate heirs that Roose desired.


Slowly, she pulled the cloak a little tighter around herself, as a sudden cold wind made its way through the window of the carriage. Her heart beating a little quicker, as the driver pulled the horses to a halt; their hooves clattering on the stones beneath them. It looked no better now that she was there. The Dreadfort appearing to be a dull shade of grey, rather than the ominous black, that it had from the road. Though the change in colour did not serve to settle her nerves. The lady not sure if anything could settle her nerves, as she waited for the door of the coach to be opened. Her breath catching in her throat as the handle was turned; the door slowly opened and a hand reached inside the coach. It hanging there, waiting for her to take it. The lady moving the furs from around her legs, before she placed her palm into the waiting hand; finding herself being carefully pulled out into the dim light of the day.

"Lady (Y/n). Welcome to your new home......." A voice said. (Y/n) finding herself smiling, as she looked up and saw the face of the older man, that was softly holding her hand.

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book fourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz