Love waits - Part 2 - Sandor x Reader

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Finally, the carriage came to a halt, the door to the landeau being opened before the maid climbed out, and then offered her hand to the lady. For a moment (Y/n) didn't move. Her chest feeling heavy, her heart thundering in her chest. She wasn't sure why the king had called for her to come to Kings Landing in the first place. It was true that Robert had known her father, just like old man Clegane. It was true that her House was loyal to House Baratheon, and she, well, she was the last of that House; but why, after all this time had the king had a raven sent........and then it hit. Up until this point, her mind had been firmly back on the Clegane brothers. On Sandor. But now, as she took her maid's hand and allowed her to help her out of the carriage, a terrible thought flooded her mind. Marriage. Since being able to get away from Lord Clegane, since she had left his younger son behind, (Y/n) had refused to marry. She had lost the only boy that she had loved, a long time ago; and given that she had heard that the man that was referred to as 'The Hound', had not only pledged himself to House Lannister and his service to the king, but he had also acquired a taste in a certain type of woman, she doubted that she would ever get him back. Also doubting that Sandor would even remember who she was, after all these years. So, if Robert had really called her to the capital to speak of a marriage, then she hated to think whom she might find herself tied to.

"Milady.............?" The maid spoke, as her lady just stood there, motionless, seemingly looking through the ancient building in front of her.

"Are........are you alright..........?"

"What........oh, yes. I was.......I was just thinking.........." (Y/n) replied; she and the maid turning, as some Lannister bannermen, and a tall, rather handsome blonde man, dressed in a Kingsguard's white cloak, appeared from the ancient castle.

"Lady (Y/n)..........?" The Kingsguard enquired, flashing a rather disarming smile.

"I........yes. I'm (Y/n)..........."

"I am Jaime Lannister. The king has sent me to escort you to the throne room............."

Of course, how could she have not known that this was Tywin's oldest son. He was every inch a Lannister; from his blonde hair to those quite beautiful eyes, he was the perfect example of his House. A blush coming to her cheeks, as he took her hand and gently kissed her knuckles.

"My apologies, Ser Jaime. How could I have not known. You will have to forgive me; it has been a long journey.........."

"No apologies needed, my lady.........." Jaime replied, slowly letting go of her hand.

"My men will show your maid where you are to be staying, while I take you to see the king." The Golden Lion continued, giving her another smile, before gesturing for her to follow him into the Keep.


Sandor stood in his usual place, looking menacingly at all those present, as Robert sat on his throne. There was a buzz around the throne room, as the king and his new Hand, Eddard Stark, spoke quietly to one another. Annoyingly, Sandor had been told little about whom all this hype seemed to be about, only having heard that it was a lady, the daughter of an old friend of Roberts; and that she had been called upon to discuss a marriage. So, Sandor did not feel the need to be on as high alert as he normally might; but that didn't mean that he had let his guard down completely.

Suddenly, the doors to the throne room were opened; Sandor ignoring the tall, blonde Kingsguard that walked in first, yet he could not do the same to the woman that quickly followed after him. The Hounds eyes growing wide, as she moved further into the room, only stopping, as she came to stand before the steps that led up to the Iron Throne.

It couldn't just couldn't be; not after all these years. The beautiful woman that was looking up at the King and his Hand, could not be (Y/n); could not be the girl that had been his father's ward. Could not be the girl that had been his only friend, before the incident with his older brother had scarred the right side of his face. Before she had run away. Yet who else could it be? It was true that she might be a few years older, but Sandor could still see that mischievous, adventurous young woman, that he had spent so much time with, in the female that curtsied in front of the king, now.

"Lady (Y/n)" Robert began cheerfully, smiling down at her from his regal perch.

"Sire, Lord Hand.........." (Y/n) countered, as she looked back at the rotund, red cheeked monarch, and the head of House Stark. The lady taken aback by the appearance of the king, knowing that she could remember a time when Robert Baratheon had been quite handsome and rugged, even to the eyes of a young girl. Her memories in complete contrast to the seated figure before her, now.

"Good of you to come to the capital..........."

"Well, one cannot refuse the request of their king. Though your message said nothing about the reason for me being called here. Not that it is not an honour to see you and Lord Stark again. I believe that the last time was just before my father passed............"

"Aye, it was about then. Not long before ya became tha ward of Lord Clegane.........." Robert replied, as he looked over to Sandor. The big man doing his best to appear as stoic as he normally did, despite the girl that he had loved, being stood in front of him.

"Yes, Sire............."

"So, ya remember Sandor............" Robert interrupted, noticing that neither the lady, nor the Hound were looking at the other.

"I believe that it would be impossible to forget him, Sire.............."

"Excellent......." The king interrupted again, as he got to his feet and made his way down to the lady.

"Then I will have him escort ya to ya rooms, let ya talk about old times. And we will discuss why I called ya here, later.........." Robert added, placing his hand on her shoulder. (Y/n) doing her best to calm her frantically pounding heart, as Sandor came to join them. The lady just nodding to the king, before following the large man, out of the room.  

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book fourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora