In the strangest places - Part 3 - Roose x Reader

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Father.........(Y/n) thought. Father........? That could only mean.........could only mean that the young man with the wicked smile, was Ramsay; and if she had heard some awful tales of Roose, what she had heard about his bastard, well, those stories had chilled her to the bone. The lady placing her hand atop the arm that Roose still had at her waist, and pulling it tighter, as the bastard of the dark castle, stepped a little closer. His eyes, his smile trying their best to seem sweet, innocent; yet behind them was nothing but evil, pure evil. It as if he were not a man at all, but some handsomely fashioned demon, sent to stalk the earth. To infect it, and everything in it, with nothing but darkness and death. (Y/n) having to think that the Dreadfort was a perfect place for such a being.

"Roose." She gasped quietly, as the blue-eyed man stood in front of her. The Lord placing his other arm around her. (Y/n) feeling strangely glad that he was there with her; that he was holding her in place. Sure, that she might have just run from the castle if she had been alone in the room with the young man.


Roose could feel his bride to be, tremble against him, as his son smiled at her. The lord placing his other arm reassuringly around her waist, as she heard her say his name. He knew that it would not take Ramsay long; that the boy would want to see the woman that was to be the new lady of the Dreadfort. The one that would give his father true born sons. Yet Roose had hoped that he would give the poor girl a little time to settle into her new surroundings, before he had come to be introduced. Yet here he was............

"(Y/n), may I introduce my son, Ramsay. Ramsay, this is the lady (Y/n)........"

"So............" Ramsay began, as he reached out and took the trembling hand of the young woman. The bastard getting the most exhilarating feeling, as he felt her shake. Her fear, feeding him; making him want more.

"You are to be my new mother? And what a beautiful mother you will be......." Ramsay continued, looking up as her through his heavy, dark lashes, as he brough her hand up to kiss it. The sound of her rapid breaths, quite intoxicating to his ears.

"You may leave us, now............." Roose growled, as he glared at his son. Ramsay reluctantly letting go of (Y/n)'s hand, before he smiled at the pair in front of him.

"Of course, father. But I do hope to become better acquainted with the new lady of the Dreadfort, over the next few days. I am sure that we will become the best of friends............." Ramsay replied. Nodding respectfully and giving (Y/n) one last look, before leaving the room. (Y/n) suddenly turning and burying her head into Roose's chest. The lady not caring that the father's reputation was only a little better than the sons, for at this moment, Roose was the lesser of two evils.

"Roose." She said again, as he arms wrapped themselves around him, wanting to keep her husband to be, as close as possible. The lady fearing that if he left her, his son may return.

"It will be alright. I will make sure that he doesn't come to disturb you. I will have some of my men posted at your door. And if I am not with you, then those men will be." Roose assure, surprised at himself. Surprised at what this young woman was bringing out in him; how she was making him feel. Her arms refusing to leave him, despite his words. The Lord of the Dreadfort moving a hand to her hair and slowly combing his fingers through her locks. Roose just as surprised to realise that she was starting to settle under his touch. That her body was becoming still, and her breathing even.

"When is it that we are to marry?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, as she looked up at the older man holding her. Her orbs filled with tears that had not been shed.

"The day after tomorrow." The lord replied, as he brushed his thumb across her cheek.

"Will I be able to stay in your rooms with you, then? It is not that I do not appreciate these that you have given me; its just that..........that I would prefer to be with you. If you will allow it.............." The lady continued; her eyes filled with hope. The thought of being alone, even when married to the lord, filling her with dread. Sure, that such a thing would not dissuade a man like Ramsay, if he got it in his head that he wanted something from her.

"If that is what you wish, then yes." Roose agreed. For despite the fact that he was a man that had no issues with his own company, he knew that he could not refuse his lady, anything. A smile making its way onto her lips for the first time since he had escorted her inside the Dreadfort. (Y/n) pushing herself up onto her tiptoes, before placing a kiss to his lips.

"Thank you........" She replied softly. That smile still there, as she just looked at him. The older man feeling a stirring inside him. The same stirring that he had felt when he had seen her walking alone in the gardens of her father's castle. The same that he had felt, when his old friend had offered her up, to be his bride. The same that he had got, when he had helped her from the carriage; and now he could no longer resist it. Roose taking her face in his hands, and kissing her back, roughly at first; but when she did not protest, his lips moved with more passion, more need. (Y/n) eyes widening as he held her face firmly; the lady taken aback by what was happening, sure that she should say that they should wait until they were wed. Yet as much as she wanted to say something, she found that she couldn't; she found herself enjoying it. No words leaving her lips, just breathy, desperate moans, as the man that would be her husband, allowed his lips to find her neck. As he moved his hands from her face, so that he could pull on the strings that held together her bodice. Her head falling back, as she suddenly felt his warm hand cup her breast. Her body not wanting to fight, as he lifted her up, and placed her on the bed. The stubble on his cheek, prickling her skin, as he whispered into her ear what he wanted to do to her; the lady merely nodding in agreement. More moans leaving her lips, as he pushed her skirts up around her waist, and took one of her pert nipples, into his mouth. 

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