Taehyung grabbed a blanket after the two were all patched up and had finished their energy bars. Huddling closely for warmth, the two soldiers went to sleep. They had been separated from their unit the day before and were trying their best to survive in the war-torn city that once was the bustling capital of Earth.

It had been two months since the invasion first happened. Taehyung was serving his mandatory enlistment required by the world government and was nearing his discharge date, but that had been momentarily postponed due to the crisis plaguing the planet. How long the "moment of postponement" would be, Taehyung did not know.

For now, he was stranded with the captain of his team, and his mission at hand was to reunite with the rest of his unit. Although he had been out searching for signs of other soldiers, Taehyung had yet to discover any hints that his unit had survived the night. The war with the invading aliens was brutal, and few who fought the beings head-on made it out alive.


Taehyung woke to Jungkook softly nudging him. Jungkook held his finger over his lips as Taehyung opened his eyes. Nodding in understanding, Taehyung remained still. The captain then pointed to a searchlight lingering in front of the window. Taehyung slowly reached for their bags as Jungkook placed his hand under Taehyung's arm. Jungkook tightened his grasp around Taehyung as the light crept into the café.

Slowly standing to their feet, Jungkook took Taehyung's wrist and quickly led him away from the ever-creeping light. Hurrying out of the cafe, the two soldiers made their way to the emergency stairs where they raced down the steps. A rumble sounded from above as the two made it down to the second level.

"They're going to destroy the building," Jungkook stated as he realized what had caused the rumbling. An alien craft had landed on the roof of the library and was preparing to shoot a powerful blast through the building that would cause it to crumble in an instant.

Tightening his hold around Taehyung, Jungkook raced down the stairs and sprinted toward the lobby the moment they landed on the ground floor. Just as they reached the doors to the library, a bright blast flashed before them just outside the building.

"Xion!" Taehyung shouted Jungkook's call sign as he pushed the captain to the side. The blast broke through the glass wall of the library and slung the two soldiers into the air. Taehyung took the brunt of the explosion and almost lost consciousness as he collided with the marble floor.

"V!" Jungkook was quick to recover and immediately ran to the lieutenant's side. "V, open your eyes, V. Look at me." Jungkook patted the side of Taehyung's face as the lieutenant's eyes fluttered while he fought to remain conscious.

Whipping his head around, Jungkook observed their situation. An alien craft was hovering just outside the library while the one on the roof was preparing to fire its deadly blast. If they stayed in the lobby, they would be crushed as the building crumbled. If they ran outside, they were sure to be spotted and eliminated. Neither option boded well.

However, Jungkook was desperate to survive, or rather, he was desperate to save his lieutenant. So, he cradled Taehyung in his arms and rose to his feet. The rumbling from above intensified as the hovercraft prepared to destroy the entire building. Although the building could crumble down at any second, Jungkook stood still. He held Taehyung close to his chest as he stared out at the alien craft hovering just outside.

Jungkook waited for just a moment longer. As the hovercraft on the roof charged its blast and opened its weapon to fire, Jungkook then sprinted for the bombed-out entrance of the North City Public Library. The blast shot down through the library the same moment Jungkook ran through the newly non-existent wall.

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