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soldiers, war, invasion, aliens, survival, dark, tragic

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soldiers, war, invasion, aliens, survival, dark, tragic

Quick Tip: Listen to the instrumental "EIGHTY-SIX" by Hiroyuki Sawano for an enhanced experience while reading.

Bombs dropped and bullets whizzed around Taehyung as he scrambled from building to building. Taehyung stopped to catch his breath between two damaged skyscrapers and observed his surroundings. Several buildings had collapsed since yesterday and even more holes were in the streets.

Taehyung continued running as three alien hovercrafts flew over him with lights searching for any remaining stragglers. His shoulders ached from carrying the backpack as he lifted his arms to reposition his hat. He wore as much black as he could to conceal himself in the darkness.

He could hardly see, but he quickened his pace, anxious to get back. While passing a bombed-out building, Taehyung heard a shot, and a sharp pain pierced his body. Taehyung stopped running and fell to his knees to keep his balance. Touching his hand to his shoulder, Taehyung felt a slippery liquid.

Taehyung ran his fingers over the wound but did not find a bullet. The bullet had barely missed, grazing the top of his shoulder. Forcing himself to stand, Taehyung continued running. Over time, the pain dulled, and he hardly felt anything as he focused on finding his way back.

Taehyung hugged the side of the buildings to avoid the streetlights. After a few minutes, he could see the doors of the North City Public Library. Running up to them, Taehyung opened the tall glass doors and walked inside the massive building, his footsteps silent.

Taehyung climbed the stairs to the third floor and opened the door to the café. He then walked behind the counter where he saw Jungkook leaning against it. Kneeling beside his captain, Taehyung unzipped the backpack and pulled out a fresh roll of gauze and medical tape. He could hear Jungkook's labored breathing as he leaned down to inspect the wound on the captain's leg.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked as he saw the gash on the base of Taehyung's neck. He lifted his hand to inspect it.

"A bullet grazed me. It's not serious," Taehyung voiced quietly as he gently pulled Jungkook's hand away and set it down. Taehyung redressed Jungkook's wound before handing him a water bottle and an energy bar.

The pain from the bullet's graze returned as Taehyung was about to bandage the gash on the nook of his neck. Wincing, Taehyung dabbed the wound with a wet cotton ball to clean off the blood.

"Let me do it," Jungkook offered, motioning for Taehyung to sit next to him.

Taehyung obeyed his commanding officer and sat beside Jungkook to let him clean it. Taehyung forgot how gentle the captain was as he carefully dabbed at the wound, though his appearance would tell you otherwise. Jungkook was tall with dark hair, and brown eyes, and was incredibly strong. His hair had grown out from its short, military cut and feathered onto his neck beautifully.

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