14 - Stucky

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Sam and Nat just landed after their mission and the Triskelion with Hill and they are now looking for Steve, after finding him unconscious on the back of the river with gunshot wounds they immediately bring him to the hospital.
Fast forward five months Steve disappears, Natasha and Sam want to find him and ask the rest of the Avengers to help them find a kidnapped Steve, little did they know the soldier was away on a romantic vacation telling no one about it...
The idea for this chapter is eline95_tiger , thank you so much!

*Natasha pov*

After five months of rebuilds, the Triskelion is up again and today I set foot in it for the first time.
It's has been an eventful five months, after Sam and I found Steve bleeding out on the banks of the Potomac and he got better the three of us kept working together to find the rest of infiltrated Hydra agents and we took down a lot, the job is not done yet tho...
Anyway, today I'm supposed to meet Steve here so we can go over a few things together and if we can we're also going to train.
Entering the little studio they reserved to Steve and I'm alone, which is odd cause I'm on time and Steve arrives always at least ten minutes earlier, but it's ok, I'll just sit down and wait for him as I start to go through the files we need to review.

Half an hour has passed and Steve is still not here, I stand up and exit the room finding myself in front of Maria Hill
"Hey Nat"
"Hi Maria...ehy have you seen Steve around?"
"No, he called last afternoon saying he wouldn't come in today"
"He called you?"
"Yeah...you didn't know?"
"He didn't call nor texted me"
"Oh...that's strange..."
"Definitely, see you around"
Now I'm worried...as I run down the stairs I call Sam and he answers immediately telling me he'll go over to his place to see if he's there, only to call me up after fifteen minutes to tell me no one answered the door and he even got in with his spare key but he's not inside.
I reach him at Steve's apartment and walk inside finding Sam in the kitchen
"I have no idea..." he says as he sees me
I quickly check around his place and notice one thing
"There's clothes missing from his wardrobe"
"How do you know that?"
"All his favorite pants aren't there..."
"Maybe they are in the washer"
"Checked...not there..."

After searching and calling him for a day we decided to contact the rest of the Avengers to help us find him and at this point we think he got kidnapped...

~ Meanwhile ~

*Steve pov*

After getting shot by Bucky, him saving me from drowning and healing two days ago I found myself calling Maria Hill to tell her I won't be at the Triskelion the morning after, I was supposed to meet up with Natasha...hell I don't even know why haven't called her to explain that I won't be there...
Truth is that probably I'm a little scared of explaining...after Bucky saved me I knew for sure he still was in there, the Bucky I knew from my time, and I was right. I managed to find him and I found out he didn't return with Hydra, he somehow escaped and managed to not turn into the Winter Soldier again.

So after contacting him I helped him to get better for the past four and a half months and he's doing so much better, he's my Bucky again.
I would go to him every week and we would talk and reminisce old times, we also got a lot closer, Bucky confessed that he had feelings for me and that moment was like a huge weight was lifted off my chest. I've been in love with him since we were seventeen, I knew at the time it was very risky plus seeing him with all those girls made me decide that I would never tell him about the feelings I had for him.
But now everything is different, we're currently on a romantic getaway, our first and hopefully the first of many!
"Hey Steve? What are you thinking about?"
"Oh nothing, don't worry, I was just enjoying the sun"
"Mhm...wouldn't it be better to enjoy it without your tshirt?"
"Maybe...you sure it's just for the sun?" I ask smirking up at him
"Maybe for my eyes too..." he chuckles
I pull him down to sit next to me, we're in the woods and we're changing our location almost everyday to see more places in this week long getaway of ours, and while driving we found this spot in Massachusetts but we're not gonna be staying here for the night in our tent, we just parked the car to enjoy some rest time in the late morning/early afternoon hours before finding a better spot to out our tent.
"Hey why don't we take a dip?" He asks looking at the river in front of us "must be nice, there even little falls over there" he says pointing with his finger as he leans his head on my shoulder
"We left our trunks in the car, it's three miles away..." yeah we're both super soldiers but three miles back and forth it just gonna disrupt our relax time
"Fuck the trunks, let's just go!" He says standing up and starting to take off his shirt
"Naked?" I ask sitting myself up
"Yeah what's the problem? What, are you embarrassed Stevie?" He asks seeing me blush so bad
"Steve it's ok, we don't have to..." he says kneeling in front of me and taking my hands in his flesh one and I move to take his metal one
"It's not that I don't want to it's just..."
"Yeah, and I've been in love with you for so long and finally having you here feels surreal"
"I know, I feel the same..."
"Let's get in the water" I tell him standing the both of us up and moving fast to remove my clothes before jumping in the river butt naked
"Ehy you could have waited for me!!!"
"Sorry!" I say as he jumps in and swims to me

Together we reach the little fall and move to stand against the rock, our bodies under the water till our chests, we admire the nature around us before turning to each other, I bring him closer pulling him to him with my hands in his lower back
"I...I love you Buck"
"Love you too Steve" he says smiling at me and we lean in to share a little kiss and another and another before getting interrupted by shouting and guns pointed at us
"Steve are you ok?"
"What the hell?" I ask seeing the whole Avengers team plus Sam with guns in their hands
"Are you ok? Did he brainwash you?" Tony asks stepping closer in the bank
"What? No!"
"Steve he's the Winter Soldier!" Clint says
"Not anymore, I found someone and helped him heal, he doesn't react to the trigger words anymore, he's just Bucky, my Bucky"
"You left without saying anything!" Tasha shouts putting away her gun
"I know I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know how to tell you this"
"I'm just glad you're ok, we were worried..."
"Sorry guys..."
"I'll...I'll prove to all of you that I'm not the Winter Soldier anymore, I'll do whatever it takes" Bucky says
"No I need them to trust me, test me however you want to" he says looking at the team again
"Now get out of the water...I have a campsite near here you can stay there, it's private...all yours for the rest of the week" Tony kindly says
"Thanks Stark"
We swim closer but before getting out
"Would you guys mind turning...ya know we gotta get dressed..." I say blushing and I know Bucky is smirking besides me, as the rest of the team is from above us
They do and we get out, quickly dry up and out our clothes back on.
"No skinny dipping in my jacuzzi please..." Tony says as all together we walk back to our cars
"Don't worry"

After reaching our car, Tony gave us the access codes for his campsite and said goodbye to them, we already decided, or better Bucky decided that as soon as we get back Bruce and Tony will test Bucky in the presence of Fury and Maria to prove them he's just Bucky.
"Let's go finish to enjoy our week" I say jumping in the truck
"Thanks for saving me" he says taking m hand in his metal one as I drive away
"No need too..." I say kissing his prosthetic hand
"Love you" he whispers
"Love you too" I whisper back

Guys keep requesting chapters cause this is how this book works and without your requests I won't be able to update as much!🤍

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