1 - Stucky

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* let's pretend infinity war and endgame don't happen, Steve goes to Wakanda to bring Bucky back to NY after they made sure he won't be triggered anymore by the red book words, also Steve and tony made peace after civil war*

*Steve pov*

I enter the palace with two Dora Milaje that escort me to King T'Challa.
"T'Challa" we briefly shake hands and we start to walk again as we make small talking
"I don't know where to begin to thank you, really"
"It was our pleasure to help Sergeant Barnes, we've seen what he's been through, I'm sorry"
"It was hell, I'm glad I can have him back" I say with a smile
"Right through those doors, he's with my sister"
"Thank you"
He nods and walks off, I take a deep breath before knocking and once I've got the all clear I open the doors and step in, Shuri turns smiling at me and gives me a quick hug, the kid is very friendly to everyone, we've been chatting a lot about Bucky's progresses.
"Hi punk" he says standing up
I walk to him and embrace him in the tightest hug he's ever received
"Hey jerk" I mumble in his shoulder "good to see you doing well again"
"It's good to be back"
"Sergeant Barnes is completely healed as I told you on the phone Captain"
"It's Steve..."
"Right sorry...I recommend some therapy sessions, I know Sam Wilson still does those"
"Yes he does"
"Very well! Bucky, anything you need, me, my brother and our kingdom is here for you"
"Thank you very much, I would have been lost without you" he says looking at Shuri and then at me.
He hugs her and then together we walk back out where T'Challa, his mother and the Dora Milaje are waiting
"White Wolf, Captain" Okoye says "have a safe trip back!"
"We will, I hope to see you soon, ehy maybe you could come visit New York"
"Please mother..." Shuri begs
"We will see when we have room for that and make sure to send you a massage before our arrival" she says
"Perfect! Thank you for everything, really!"
We both shake hands with T'Challa and walk on the Quinjet
"You pilot this thing?" Bucky asks sitting down
"Nah...autopilot, we have a lot to catch up to"
I set it and we fly over Wakanda and make our way back home.

"Will Stark be mad at me?"
"We've been talking a lot with him and he understands, he still might be a little cold to you..."
"That's ok...I deserve it"
"No you don't, that wasn't you Bucky" I say grabbing his face into my hands gently making him look at me. He gives me a little smile before I let him go
"Uhm...where, where do we start?"
"You and I?"
"Wherever you want, if you need more time, I'll wait, I've waited more than seventy years I can wait a little longer"
"But I don't want to"
"Then don't" I say grabbing his hand and making little circles on it with my thumb.
He slowly gets closer and leaves a little kiss on the edge of my lips
"I still manage to make you blush..."
"Shut up..."
Our love blossomed after I saved him in WWII while we were fighting the nazis, but at that time being gay was a high risk so we actually only kissed a few times before I lost him on that damn train, this is all going to be so new to us.

After arriving in NY and getting into the tower, I showed him his room, right next to mine. We both freshen up and walked into the living room, where everyone else was waiting for us.
"Hi guys" I say as I sit down and make some room for Bucky next to me
"Hi..." he says lowly
For a minute everyone is silent by then Nat speaks up
"It's good to see you again James"
He looks up from his lightly shaking hands and smiles at her.
Sam comes to pat his back and ruffle his hair a bit, making him annoyed.
They all take turns in welcoming Bucky, at last Tony gets up and stands in front of him.
He extends his hand for Bucky to shake. Husky also stands up and shakes Tony's hand
"I'm sorry" he says, tears threatening to spill
"I know, I forgive you" tony says leaving us shocked at how fast he forgave him
"I promise I'll demonstrate to you that I have changed, that monster is not in me anymore" he speaks, voice trembling
"We know" Clint says.
After a little bit of chatting we show him the whole tower and then have some dinner.
I stand up and look at my friends
"I wanted to thank you all for supporting me, us into this, I know it hasn't been easy for you but we really appreciate it"
They toast to it and then Bucky stands up
"Thanks again, really. Also I wanted to say that Steve and I...we...well we are together, we've been since the 40's..."
"Love is love, no one's gonna say anything to you" Bruce says standing up too
"Banner is right, on Asgard we love love and don't care about who loves who" Thor adds also standing up
"And if anyone will ever say things to you, I'll make sure to bear their asses!" Natasha says
"You make a cute couple" Pepper says
We both blush and thank them once again.
We watch a movie all together before going to bed
"Just don't make too much noise!" Tony says making us once again blush as we walk away hand in hand.

This is the first one shot, hope you liked it!!!

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