4 - Evanstan

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*where Chris is doing an interview on zoom during covid times and the world finds out he's gay and in a relationship on accident (chapter inspired by eline95_tiger )*

*Chris pov*

Covid is hitting America as the rest of the world really hard.
Do our job is impossible right now but I have my very first online interview today with Jimmy Fallon, we're gonna do some games, I'm gonna answer some questions...
I've got my computer set up in the living room and I'm sat on the couch.
"Can you see me?" I hear Jimmy say and once I look at the screen I see him
"Yeah! Hey Jimmy!"
"Hey bud! It's really good to see you!"
"You too!"
"How are you Chris, how are things going for you?"
"Luckily so far so good, I'm staying inside and wearing masks when I am out"
"That's good to hear, how's dodger?"
"Dodge is good, he's annoyed cause it's been two months since he last seen the dog park but fortunately I have quite the yard so he can play and run around there"
"He feels the change too uh"
"Definitely, he knows I'm more stressed, he knows we're not going to the park anytime soon, he misses playing with my niece and nephews, yeah he feels it too"
"Yeah...where are you right now, your home in Massachusetts?"
"Yeah, luckily I was working here on a project so when everything started I was good cause I was already home"
"And you're home alone?"
"Yeah...initially Scott and I said we would stay together, but then my little sister Shanna went to live with my big sister Carly, her husband and the kids so she could help them better, especially to entertain the kids, so Scott and I decided that it was best if he stayed with our mom"
"You'd isn't want her to be alone for god knows how long"
"Exactly...so it's just me and Dodge"
"Awww I bet your two are having fun tho right?"
"Oh yeah, we have our long moments of pure happiness and fun in the yard playing with the ball and other things"
"That's nice. Those pictures behind you...who's on there?"
"Uh..." I scratch my neck for a sec cause I just realized there's a photo of Seb and I kissing right behind me but I hope he won't see it "family and friends at parties or from when I was little..."
"Looks like Polaroids"
"Yeah it's all Polaroids"
"So when you say-"
"Oh shit...fucking hell!" I hear Seb screaming and put my hands on my face
"Uh...everything ok there Chris? Sounds like you're not home alone..."
"Uhm just give me a sec please?"
I stand up and go to Seb whose standing in the kitchen
"What's wrong?"
"Cut my finger while trying to make us a snack, I'm sorry for the interview..."
"It's ok babe...let me see"
His finger is not that bad but the bleeding won't stop. I disinfect it and put a nice bandaid on it and kiss it better
"Thank you" he says lightly kissing my lips
"You're welcome, I better go explain this..."
I go back to Jimmu and he looks funny at me
"Alone uh?"
"Yeah...I'm not..."
"Figured...who's with ya if we can know"
"Come here babe"
Seb walks in the living room and sits next to me, putting his hand on my back as mine goes on his knee
"That's Sebastian Stan..."
"Hey Jimmy..."
"Did you just called him babe?"
"Oh my god! Congratulations! Oh I ship this!"
We have a good laugh and we end up telling him how we happened, Jimmy let Seb stay for the rest of the interview and we played games together.

"I really sorry"
"Seb stop, you hurt yourself and your first instinct was to scream, that's ok"
"But we did not want to come out..."
"Yeah well, we got lucky for two years so..."
"I guess it's not that bad"
"Me too"
"I love you Chris"
"Love you too Seb"
We kiss as we stand near the kitchen counter, our snacks long fogetten
*bark* *bark*
"We love you too Dodge!" We both say and pet him as we laugh at him for being so jealous

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