19 - Stucky

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Steve isn't from the 40's and he was never Captain America, he's an English teacher for 10th and 11th graders. Bucky is known as the best American sniper from the 1940's he did lost his arm and it's Natasha and Sam that fought him in CA:the Winter Soldier, Captain America is Peggy Carter. Once Bucky was saved Tony helped him get better and his memory back.
Steve and Bucky met in town, fell in love and secretly got married, probably the only person knowing is Natasha cause she is close with Bucky and has met Steve a couple of times.
Everything goes sideways when Peter class visits the Avengers Tower accompanied by Mr. Rogers, so Steve is panicking because he knows Bucky is there and Peter and Ned are panicking cause they hope his secret of being spider man won't be revealed.
Idea by Bakudeku_Tsuki-chan , thanks!!!
Hope you enjoy🤍

*Steve pov*

It was a month ago when the principal told me that I was the one teacher who had to accompany the 11th graders on a trip to Stark Tower, and while I think the tower is cool, I don't think me going is...
The point here is that Bucky and I are married, I wear my wedding ring while he doesn't cause no one on his team knows about us, no one even knows we're gay...
It's a very complicated situation to say the least, he did that because he wants to protect me, but we both know that our secret won't last long.

Anyway, while I'll be with the students at the tower the whole Avengers team is going to be there, maybe not the ones that are requested on that day for a mission and I know for certain Bucky isn't cause he is getting better from an injury he got today, and while yes he heals fast thanks to the super soldier serum the doctor of the team prefers him staying in for a couple more days. So I just really need to keep my cool, also there's a girl in his team her name's Natasha and we've met and I think she's suspicious...

"Ok, you're all accounted for, remember we're going in a place of works, please don't ask questions you know you won't get an answer for like national security things cause they won't tell you anything" I tell the teenagers as the bus starts do pull out of the school parking lot.
"Mr. Rogers what are we exactly going to see?"
"Should have paid attention..." I hear MJ mumble and I stifle a laugh, she sees and smiles at me
"Flash they're gonna show us how they train, possibly where Mr Stark builds his things, if we're lucky a few of their powers among others things"
I just really want to roll my eyes at this kid sometimes...

The students am that are absolutely more thrilled about this trip are Peter and his best friend Ned, I guess MJ is too.
Once we arrive at the Tower we're met by a guy named Happy, it's Mr. Stark bodyguard, and he directs us inside.
"Step under the metal detector please" he asks all of us and I go first so that then I can keep an eye on the students.
"Our first stop is in the team's conference room, almost every member is present today and they're waiting for you.

Letting the kids step in first when I get in I see Bucky smile, that at first was directed to the students, brighten a little and I fully know it's directed to me even though he's still looking at them.
Mr. Start starts to speak and after a quick talk the rest of the team introduces themselves and the first few questions start to pop up, I must say that the whole team is very accepting of the questions the students came up with, so far nothing weird...

Mr, Stark, Natasha and Bucky then bring us over to the gym of the tower where they all train.
"This room is huge...bet you can't even lift a damn thing in here Parker!" Flash shouts
And in that moment I can very well see all three Avengers shoot daggers at Flash, and I am too.
"Flash, there's no need to say those things, plus we're surrounded by heroes and I'm sure, like I do, they don't like bullies, so please stop or I'll have to notify your behavior again" I say sternly
He looks to the ground but I know this isn't over cause he smirks.

Bucky and Natasha proceed to show us a simple routine. Most of the boys are interested in it and all the girls are literally staring at what Natasha is doing.
"I've got a new project starting, I'm gonna teach girls and women how to self defense"
"That's a cool project Ms. Romanoff" MJ says and other girls of the class agree with her
"I'll give you some flyers later, I'm sure we can organize something" she then says looking at me and I nod.

It's about three hours later, after we saw part of Tony Stark and Dr. Banner's lab that things start to go to shit...
And yes all thanks to another stupid joke from Flash.
Surprise, surprise...somehow thanks to that our secret and apparently Peter's secret are out now...

*Peter pov*

Well, that didn't exactly go as planned...
Flash said stupid things again and he wouldn't stop so I stopped him...you really don't want to know how...
The thing is that now all my class knows that I'm Spider-Man and Mr. Rogers does too, but while at first he was worried about me, he's definitely worried about something else that that big mouth Flash has said...

*Bucky pov*

Calming down shocked and irritated kids is harder than fighting with aliens...guess I can add that to my curriculum...
But now I've got a bigger problem, that kid, what's his name? Oh yeah Flash!
Flash apparently knows Japanese and read the tattoo I have on my ankle, damn me when I decided not to put socks back on after finishing sparring with Natasha as a demonstration!

His words were
"Mr Barnes why do you have Mr Rogers name tattooed on your foot?" He asked smirking
The tattoo means Steve...
"Doesn't have to be Mr Rogers, idiot. There's plenty of Steve's" a girl says, she sassy and if I don't go wrong I believe Steve told me her name is MJ
"Oh I know, but when I said it both of them blushed"  he snickers
What the hell are we supposed to do now???
I look at my team meats first, we reunited so we're all in the same room again, and then I look at Steve who looks at me desperately and then nods at me.
"Even though I don't condone your attitude" I say pointing a finger to Flesh "and I don't think Mr. Rogers does, me and him are married" I state
All the students and the team is sort of shocked, except for Natasha, she must have figured it out, you can't keep a secret from her...
"Congratulations Mr. Rogers" Ned and Peter say and other kids say the same while I get a bunch of shoulder pats from the rest of the team.

*Steve pov*

It's much later in the day when I drive myself, Peter, MJ and Ned back to the tower, we've been invited to dinner with the team.

"Mhm...who knew...welcome to the family Steve" Mr. Stark says
"Thanks Mr. Stark"
"Tony" he says shaking my hand
We sit down at the table and all make small conversation as we eat.
Under the table I feel Bucky gently holding my hand and I turn my head to him
"Today was eventful" I say
"You can say that babe" he answers smiling
"I love you"
"Love you too Steve"
The whole table whistled as we share a quick kiss making Bucky and I blush once again today, but I wouldn't have it any other way, we're finally out or at least we are to his team and we don't have to hide from them anymore, I'm welcomed to the tower any time I want, I was even given a smart key to come inside.
Probably the best way to end this day was this one...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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