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Willow's POV

The beta,


Was nothing short of admirable,

And nothing short of a bitch.

I mean technically so was I, but I mean like personality wise, she really was a stone-cold bitch. For the past ten minutes, she had done nothing but critique each and every little thing that I would say.

Her jibes and her taunts weren't necessarily harmful, as much as they were a nuisance. Her distaste for me was put on display for the entire family to see, and even after Cyrus's constant reprimanding, she was still at it.

Celeste was at my throat,

And my blood had turned to goop.

All I could think was that she knew my plan, she knew my game. Somehow, she had been gifted a built-in lie detector, and she could see me for the spineless liar that I was. I had hardly said anything, and yet she could see me for the threat I was.

It took everything in me to keep my composure.

There was my wolf that itched for a fight,

And there was me that sought out an escape.

Fighting Cyrus's sister and his beta, wasn't an option for two reasons: The first, beating someone that the pack cared about wouldn't strengthen my chances of garnering pack support. And the second, despite me being an excellent fighter, even I could see when the game was game. Celeste, respectfully, could probably beat me to a pulp.

My wolf didn't seem to think so, but I knew so.

So I kept to myself, I kept my own irritation in a box. And eventually, a subject other than roasting me to a crisp came up.

"Have we heard anything from the forensics team?" Atlas asked, "Have they gotten the toxicology report back yet?"

Forensics team?

Toxicology report?

This time, I knew my questions were kept to myself. I hadn't spoken into the mate link. But still, I knew my confusion had made its way onto my face, as Cyrus's eyes bounced from his brother to me.

And all I could do was wait, praying that someone in the room would fill me in on what the hell Atlas was talking about.

But before my mate, or anyone else could explain anything, Celeste jumped in with a side-eye so extreme, I thought it would burn me to smithereens.

"I have heard from them," She said, "But I'd much rather share the news with those that aren't strangers."

Everyone's gaze shifted from her to me, and then back to her.

My blood bubbled and then boiled. Seconds passed.

Moments ago, I reasoned with my wolf that fighting her wasn't smart.

But those moments were gone. Long gone.

I was going to beat that bitch's ass to a curb. Curb-stomp her until-

"Celeste," Cyrus warned with a deep voice, "Take care to remember that she is your Luna. I don't care about the practice of other packs, in this one, your Luna outranks you."

Everyone in the large room had become still. Even me. Even Celeste. Her high-held chin dipped just ever so slightly, as a mild surprise and offense registered across her face. Her rigid features had gone hard. Her jaw clenched.

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