Ava: Chapter Four

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⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️Graphic Violence Graphic Rape Graphic Holocaust

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️
Graphic Violence
Graphic Rape
Graphic Holocaust

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana

"To forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time."
Elie Wiesel

"The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction." Tim Holden

"Remembering is a noble and necessary act. The call of memory, the call to memory, reaches us from the very dawn of history. No commandment figures so frequently, so insistently, in the Bible."
Elie Wiesel

"The Holocaust was not only a Jewish tragedy, but also a human tragedy. We must remember it as a warning of the dangers of prejudice, hate, and indifference."
Kofi Annan

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Ava's screams pierced the night; Unconcerned about who might have seen me, I used my quickness to reach her. Within seconds, I have her in my arms; she's sound asleep and gripped in a nightmare that has completely taken her away from me.

"Ava, wake up. Please, Lalka, wake up!"

I look up and see Dr. Petrov's hands glowing as he appears to weave the air around him. Blue tendrils appear out of thin air as he walks towards Ava, placing his hands on her forehead. His eyes are white now as he enters a trance-like state. Ava has stopped screaming, and all I can do is hold her and watch Dr. Petrov's face contorting in horror. A tear falls from his eye, and he gasps.

I glance up at Tatiana to gauge if this is typical, and next to her Gladys is standing stunned in wonder, her blue eyes are wide with a blend of doubt and fascination as Dr. Petrov's hands continue to glow, now changing from the original light blue to a deep purple. It feels like an eternity until he opens his eyes, which are glowing bright icy blue.

"She will sleep now. I've pulled memories from her childhood ice skating with her cousins. It's one of her cherished memories, and she thinks about it often, but Gabriel, we need to talk."

He stands and begins to move from the tent, Tatiana accompanying him.

"Gabriel, am I drunk? Or did Dr. Petrov's hands just glow while pulling glowing strings from the air? And you... you moved faster than lightning."

"Gladys, I trust you and promise to tell you everything; just please stay here with Ava until I can finish talking to Dr. Petrov."

She nods, and I lay Ava down gently and look at Gladys to make sure she's alright and she harshly whispers "Go damnit I am not going to leave her side and yes, I'm fine." I head for the medical tent as Tatiana cares for a wounded soldier who's woken up. Dr. Petrov is standing by a desk towards the back of the tent and motions for me to approach him.

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