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The last night of their seven days was fraught with a thick tension, one that was so palpable it hung heavy like a chain on the shoulders of each of them.

They had holed themselves up in an open apartment in a complex near the bay, residing on the top floor to gain a vantage point over the city. From their view up high, they could see the distant glow of lights scattered across the city, signs of that night's games being played. Michiko tried not to think about the souls that were trapped inside those arenas, currently fighting for their existence not to become merely a memory. Those souls didn't matter to her as much as those currently residing in the apartment with her.

That statement was true for one at least. The other two she was warming up to, but they had yet to gain her full trust.

That night's meal had been quite meagre, with their supplies running scarce and the ongoing struggle to find supplies this close to the bay. Most stores they had come across had already been ransacked of food and drinks. Even the alcohol was cleared off the shelves. Chishiya stated that it was a sign there was certainly a large group of people around, considering how many stores had been emptied.

After eating, and after the sun had fully set behind the city skyline, disappearing behind buildings to leave only the darkness of the night, they sat in silence. None of them wanted to bring up what the next day would entail. Ichida and Kirika's time had run out, and they would have to enter another game. A week of peace would be shattered as they would be forced to fight for their survival once again.

Finally, the silence was broken, the tension that had been built up in the silence being released.

"You don't have to come with us." Ichida spoke up from the sofa, eyes directed to Michiko, who sat on the floor by the coffee table, back leaned up against the sofa, and Chishiya who casually rested in an armchair opposite. "You both still have days left on your VISA. We can handle it ourselves."

Michiko shook her head. Yes, she still had four days left on her VISA courtesy of her first game, but just as she hadn't abandoned Ichida the last time, she wouldn't again. "No, we stick together. Just as we did in the last game."

"Michiko.." Ichida wanted to make her understand. Yes, he had let her follow him into the last game, but after being separated and spending the entire time terrified for her, hearing her voice over the intercom and not being able to do anything to help her. In that moment he was taken back ten years, to the memories of another girl he wasn't able to protect. "I don't want you needlessly walking into danger again. Yes, we got lucky and the last game required teamwork, but what if it's different this time? Do an old man a favour please. Kirika and I will have each other, we can handle a game by ourselves."

Michiko wanted to make him understand. She had lost someone precious a long time ago, and wasn't there when it happened. She didn't want to lose someone else and not be there to prevent it. "I'm going in with you. We stick together, we work together, we win the game and then we find the 'Beach'."

Neither of them spoke the unsaid words. Ichida didn't want the girl to be careless with her precious life. Michiko didn't want to sit by while someone she loved would be in danger.

Ichida shook his head, huffing in frustration, "You're far too stubborn." His eyes roamed over to Chishiya, silently asking the other man for help to talk some sense into the girl. The blonde gave the most miniscule shrug of his shoulders, not willing to get involved in the brewing argument between the two of them. Ichida turned back to the girl, "You're not coming with me, not this time. I'm not allowing you to put your life on the line when you don't need to. Kirika and I will go, we'll protect each other, and we'll survive. Then we go find the 'Beach.'"

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