Chapter 3

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The car trip back to California was awkward, exhausting and tense. For one, it was nearly one in the middle of the night, not to mention that the trip to California was nearly eight hours.

When the Captain and Bruce came out of the building, I was still berating myself harshly. Only a soft tap on the window shook me out of it.

"Sorry about that." I said as I relocked the car doors behind me. "Force of habit."

"Just like it seems to be a habit of yours to apologize every time that happens." Bruce commented.

I forced out a smile. "Sorry about that too. Is there anything you need before we leave?"

"Where are we going?" The captain asked.

I glanced to my right. The captain sat in the front passenger seat, his stature restless as his gaze landed on me. "Malibu, Captain." I said.

"I see." Was all he said.

I drove onto the highway, the road around us quiet.

About half an hour into the drive, the captain suddenly asked "Is your name really Seventeen?"

Bruce came out of his daydream to look at both of us.

"What?" I asked.

"Your name." The captain repeated. "Is your name Seventeen?"

I let out an amused chuckle. "Whatever made you think my name was a number?"

The captain coloured a little. "Well I thought since you were addressed as Agent Seventeen...." He mumbled.

"Wait." Bruce cut in. "Your name's not Seventeen? I seriously thought it was."

I started laughing harder. "Seventeen is my department number. Mission and Report is also known as Department Seventeen. All department heads are mostly addressed by their department number."

"Oh." Was all Bruce could say.

The captain cleared his throat. "So that means you have a name, right? What's your name?"

"Yes I have a name, Captain." I said, amusement ringing in my voice. "My full name's Laura Evanlyn Grace, but I mostly introduce myself as Eve or Evanlyn. Don't call me Agent Grace, whatever you do."

"Why don't you use your first name?" The captain asked curiously.

The corners of my mouth quirked. "Why don't you ask the doctor why he doesn't use his first name?"

Bruce looked startled at having been suddenly addressed. "I just don't like it." He said. "And I told you to just call me Bruce, not doctor."

"I have my superior next to me, doctor. Do you want me to get fired or at least reprimanded?" I asked jokingly.

"Since when was I your superior?" Captain Rogers had a puzzled frown on his face.

"Well, you have a Level Eight Clearance for one. Besides, you're a captain from World War Two. To top it all off, you're an Avenger. There's no way my rank can beat that." I said.

"I'm not your superior." He said. "It doesn't matter if I'm an Avenger."

"That's not the way things work, Captain." I said wryly.

He shifted in his seat. "Don't call me Captain. Just call me Steve."

"I'd much rather n-" I was cut off by Bruce who interrupted gently, saying "Don't disagree. You should also stop reverting to 'doctor' whenever you speak to me."

Sighing, I glanced at them. "Are the two of you addled by exhaustion? You just told a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to address the people she is supposed to be escorting by their first names? The director would have a fit."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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