Chapter 2

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"What are you doing?"

I turned around to find Maria looking at me.

"Cooking breakfast." I replied.

"It's four in the morning, Eve. It's far too early to be cooking. If I didn't have to go to the office, I wouldn't be up at all." She said.

"Well, I'm awake. And I just saved you a trip to the cafe to grab breakfast." I said, flipping the bacon sizzling in the pan.

"Where'd you even get breakfast from?" She asked, eyeing the spread on the table. "Your fridge was definitely empty last night."

I placed the plate of bacon on the table alongside the toast, waffles and grapes.

Glancing from the food to me, Maria shook her head. "I don't think shops are open this early in the morning."

I rolled my eyes. "Just sit down and have your breakfast." I said, giving her a slight shove in the direction of a chair.

Sighing, she complied, piling a plate with toast and bacon. "Who did you have to threaten to get all these?"

I looked at her in mock-surprise. "Why Maria. To think that you have such a low opinion of me."

She shot me a glare and I smirked. "I have my own charm." I said with a wink.

She threw a piece of toast at me. Laughing, I caught it and ate it.

"I'm dropping by the office first." I told her between mouthfuls of toast. "I want to check if the director has any extra orders or not."

Maria made a face. "I wonder how his temper is today. You're lucky that you get to take a road trip to Wisconsin."

"Hardly a road trip. I'll probably take a Quinjet."

She nodded and the rest of breakfast passed in silence.

When we reached the office, Maria and I parted ways.

"Good luck, Agent Seventeen." She said, her voice all business again.

"Good luck, Agent Hill." I said, echoing her sentiment.

When I went into my office cubicle, I found Ellowyn there depositing yet more files and more reports.

"I'm going to be out today." I informed her. "Deal with everything that needs to be done today please."

"Rarely do you get a mission out." She commented. "Nonetheless, a lot of these are for your eyes only."

"Do they have copies that I can access from my holo-file?"

"I'll request it." She said, pulling out her own holo-file and typing into it. "Reason?"

"Tell them to go ask the director if they want. Put it under 'Classified'."

"Got it. Good luck." She gave me a smile.

I smiled in response, leaving the office in search of the director.

"Director?" I called, knocking on the door.

"Come in." Nick Fury said.

'At least he sounds calm.' I thought. "Director, I'm leaving for Wisconsin in an hour. Is there anything else I should do along the same lines as that?"

Director Fury spun his chair around to face me. "Good that you should ask." He said. "We've got a change of destination."

"Change of destination?" I asked. "Where am I to escort the doctor to now?"

"Helicarrier Two." The director replied. "Helicarrier Three is currently under upgrading work and Helicarrier One still has another month to go."

Suddenly, my mind flashed to a scene. The surroundings were blurry but it seemed to be a room of some kind. Then, I heard voices conversing.

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