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Third person pov.

Park guided Lisa through the intricate corridors of the palace until they reached a set of grand double doors. As the doors swung open, Lisa found herself standing on a vast and opulent room.

The room was expansive, adorned with crystal chandeliers that hung from the high ceiling, casting a glittering glow across the space.

Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting the grandeur of the room, and the polished marble floor added to the sense of luxury.

In the center of this splendid room, a group of ballerinas gracefully moved to the rhythm of classical music that echoed through the air.

Their delicate movements seemed to synchronize with the enchanting melody, creating a mesmerizing dance that captivated Lisa's attention.

The ballerinas wore elegant costumes, each adorned with intricate details that sparkled in the soft light.

Their pirouettes and arabesques painted a picture of ethereal beauty, transforming the room into a sense of artistic splendor.

Park gestured towards the captivating scene. "This is Madam Kim's private ballet studio. She has a deep appreciation for the arts, especially ballet. These performers are among the finest in the world, and they are here to entertain and inspire."

As Lisa observed the ballet performance, she couldn't help but marvel at the precision and grace of the dancers.

The atmosphere exuded an air of sophistication, transporting her into a world where art and beauty intertwined seamlessly.

"Madam, Kim often finds solace and inspiration in the artistry of ballet. It's one of the many facets of her life that you'll come to understand during your stay here," Park explained, her voice carrying a sense of reverence for the surroundings.

Lisa, still taking in the spectacle before her, felt a mixture of awe and unease. 

As the ballet continued to unfold, Lisa couldn't shake the feeling that each element of the palace held a purpose beyond mere aesthetics. 

In this grand ballet studio, Lisa found herself at the intersection of beauty and obligation, a silent observer in a world where every move seemed choreographed with precision.

"Have you ever had an interest in ballet, Miss Lisa?" Park inquired, her tone polite.

Lisa tore her gaze away from the dancers and shrugged. "Not really. I mean, it's nice to watch, I guess. But it's not something I'd go for."

Park nodded, accepting Lisa's response. "Madam Kim has a profound admiration for the arts. Ballet, in particular, has a special place in her heart. She believes it embodies the delicate balance between discipline and artistic expression."

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Discipline, huh? Seems like that's the word of the day around here."

Park offered a faint smile. "Discipline is the backbone of this palace, miss. It ensures that everything runs smoothly, from the grandest performances to the minutest details."As the dancers twirled gracefully, Lisa couldn't help but notice the controlled elegance in their movements. "So, is this some sort of daily routine? Watching ballet while sipping on expensive tea?"

Park chuckled softly. "Not precisely, miss. The ballet studio is one of Madam Kim's sanctuaries. She comes here to find inspiration to reflect. It's a place where the rigors of her responsibilities momentarily fade away."

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