"Okay I get that he is a killing psychopath but you could've at least informed me that he was going out" She said.

Victor didn't know what to say. May be he should've called her but then again he didn't want to get his guts wrenched out. He decided to give his raging mam some piece of information that would calm her a bit.

"Mam I did ask sir where he was going but he said that it's better that I'm not informed about tonight's mission. Since you... you could torture the information out of me"

"That clever bastard!" Amelia gritted. Guards really wanted to record it and send it to their boss but again, everybody liked to live.

Amelia sighed and finally sat on the couch to calm herself down. After few seconds of silence, she spoke;

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. All of you! I didn't mean what I said Victor. You are going to be a dad and your life matters. I even argued with Ajax when you got shot. I told him not to take you on dangerous hits. You deserve to see your child and be there for April at every step of life" Amelia apologized.

Victor knew his mam was a nice and kind hearted woman but he didn't know that she was so thoughtful about him. "Please don't apologize mam! You are our queen and if the boss king comes to know about it, he will kill us all" Very covincing! Way to go!

But it was true and every guard who heard the apology was scared for his life. They knew their boss would kill every person who heard their mam apologising. Queens must not bow to anyone.

"I was very rude so like a normal human being I will apologize no matter what. Plus, don't worry about the killing part. Tonight your boss should be worried for his life more than anyone else's" She told him. The audience was really looking forward to it.


"Stop!" Ajax was about to step in the mansion when he heard an angry voice. He looked ahead and saw his angry wife.

"Hey love!" He said and tried to take a step inside when she stopped him again.

She turned to the guards standing on the porch. "What did I tell you?" She shouted at them angrily.

Ajax watched them bow with culprit looks and raised a brow when Amelia said; "You are supposed to not let this man enter my house"

Now it was Ajax's turn to glare at the guards. "Why the fuck did you not follow my wife's order?" He asked angrily.

Both the guards tried not to shiver like pathetic men after hearing that angry roar. Their lives were saved by their sweet mam roaring not to sweetly at her husband.

"Like you follow all of my orders" She sarcastically said.

Ajax turned to her and tried to give him a sheepish smile. It made him look like a complete culprit. "I'm sorry love. Work was important" He told her.

"You talk so big about your work when all you do is killing or selling drugs. You pathetic gangster!"

Now that hurt! He wasn't a cheap gangster. He was a mafia king! There is a difference between gangsters and mafias. And he refused to be called by cheap names.

"I sell weapons" Now that was really pathetic. Even he agreed. May be she was right! He was a pathetic gangster.

"Congratulations on that great deed. You serve humanity!" Her shouting had turned into taunting.

Well killing people means helping the world in reducing its overflowing population. So he was serving humanity in a way. He could've made his point but he walready standing on the porch. He didn't want to stand outside his own mansion's gates.

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