1. Where No One Goes

Start from the beginning

"It really came out of nowhere, huh?" Hiccup questions, putting his flying suit back.

The pillar behind them suddenly started to break, making everybody turn to it. It crumbles to the ground with a loud boom. Hiccup goes back to putting his flying suit back nonchalantly as Toothless chirps at him with a glare.

"Man, we really need to work on your solo gliding, bud." Hiccup says. "Without Koi and Hero here, I might've actually gotten a concussion."

"And I would've laughed at your face." Hero added, sticking their tongue out at their boyfriend who just shakes his head at them with a small smile before looking out at the land in front of them and taking his helmet off and ruffling his hair.

Hero gets off of Koi and walks over to Hiccup, fluffing his hair up more as his eyes examine the new land in curiosity. "Well, looks like we found another one." Hiccup says to the other three.

Both Toothless and Koi roll their eyes. Toothless actually goes the extra mile and throws a rock at the back of Hiccup's head, making Hero laugh.

Hiccup playfully pushes Hero away and walks towards Toothless, leaning over to try and see his face. "Oh, what? Do you want an apology? Is that why you're crying, big baby boo?"

Koi walks over to Hero who moved to sit on the ground and sits on their lap, basically trapping them there. "Oh thanks, Koi..." Hero mutters and Koi grumbles in response.

"Well try this on!" Hiccup shouts at Toothless and tackles him. Or at least tries to. Toothless just stands there, rolling his eyes. "Oh, you feeling it yet!? Picking up on all my heartfelt remorse!?"

Toothless stands on his hind legs with Hiccup still on him and starts to walk towards the cliff of the island.

"Oh come on, come on! Y-Y-You wouldn't hurt a one legged-" Hiccup stops himself as he looks down at the water below and grabs onto Toothless' neck tighter. "Ooohhh, you're right! You're right! You win! You win!"

Toothless then falls on his back as Hiccup yelps and turns around, pushing him to the ground.

"He's down and it's ugly!" Hero teases as they take out Hiccup's journal/map from their pocket and fold it out as Koi runs over to the other two and starts play fighting as well.

"Hero, a little help here?" Hiccup asks. "The dragons are ganging up on me!"

"You'll be fine, sunshine-" Hero pauses when they hear Toothless and Koi start licking Hiccup's face and chest, making the man groan in annoyance. "Shit, maybe not."

Hiccup rolls away from the two and starts wiping the saliva off of him. "You both know that doesn't come out!" He complains.

Toothless rumbles a laugh and Hiccup pauses in response before flicking some saliva on his face with a stupid smile. Toothless flinches and glares at him before licking his paw and cleaning his face.

Koi then tackles Toothless to the ground, resulting in them play fighting as Hiccup walked over to Hero who was examining the map. That made Hiccup check his chest pocket, realizing it was empty.

"Again? When did you take my map?" Hiccup questions, sitting next to Hero.

"When I was messing with your hair." Hero says, ruffling Hiccup's hair once more. "You're welcome!"

"You know, out of all of our friends, I wasn't expecting you to become the thief!" Hiccup exclaims as Toothless and Koi stopped fighting and walked over to the other two.

"Woah, woah, woah! I don't steal from anybody besides my boyfriend!" Hero laughs, rubbing Koi's head.

"I thought being your boyfriend meant I got special perks!?"

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