chapter 21

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*Aditya POV*

I was going outside of the manshion for a walk but that time i saw two women's was talking..

I walked a little bit near them and found one of them was Priya. 

She was talking with a young girl, who seems like a college student, but what she is talking with her?, how Both they know eachother and specially who's that girl is, how Priya know her?

I was looking at her from far, i couldn't hear properly What she was talking with her, than she hugged her.

Don't know but her actions was telling that she was taking her goodbye. That girl smiled when she said something and Priya also laugh, seeing these a small smile apper on my face.

Than she took her goodbye and hugging her, she turned and saw me. She smiled when she saw I was standing there looking at her, she come towards me.

"When you come here?" She asked.

"That time when you're busy with your fan..." i said.

"she is not my fan, she was my p.a, actually she come here to give her resignation letter "

"Why?, means isn't she was working properly?"

"No, it's not like that, actually she was joined at p.a position for 3 years and her duration end, so she come here to give letter and also want to say goodbye to me"

"ok,then now who will handle your work?"

"No worries, our h.r team is here, they will higher someone tell this coming Monday"

"Ok then, I'm going, my girl's are waiting for me, bye bye "

She run upstairs waving her hand, i smiled and then i realised that I was standing in living room.

Isn't I'm going somewhere?, then how I'm here----, i come here while talking with her.

He said to himself and again come out of the manshion.He took his car and drove off towards his manshion.

He stopped he's car infornt of his house. The place which is full of happiness once's a time, was now silent then a scary place.

Whole house was drak, literally drakest then a night. Aditya enter in, when he left he didn't get a chance to look at whole house.

He was looking around like he come here first time. The place were he come last time was a little bit different.

Rakesh did some changes, he hang he's Big photo at the wall, there were so many expensive things, is not like that they are not rich but seeing that he felt something suspensive.

He first entered in his so-called father means MR. RAKESH room.
He started finding around and he's doubt come true.

He got shock by seeing the things in front of him. He called Suresh immediately, and then to Raj.
*Author pov*
Next day at court...

Everyone one was sitting there,
Raj, Shivani, Priya, Aditya, Nandini, aanad, Mansi, Ragini even pallavi, Neha, pravin and hrash was also there.

Suresh was standing there in lawyer court, Rakesh lawyer was also there standing looking at them.

Then police officer come with Rakesh, they made him stood in witness stand.

Rakesh look at Mahajan family and he found some one else which he didn't expected.

He's eyes fall on Ragini, he was now afired, he realised that he's not going to leave now easily.

Soon judge entered and every one stood up. Suresh started he's work.

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