chapter 3

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Author pov

Priya arrived at her home and went in as she was tired now. When she entered she saw her sister-in-law means Shivani. She was coming to downstairs, she walked towards her and hugged her. As they both were meeting after a long time...

Priya was now asking her thousand of questions. Shivani held her hand and said "Priya---priya.. everything is fine. It's just we come here to meet someone, Well done, you have come." Priya was standing confused, 'who is here now?'

Priya asked her "who's here?" Shivani look at her and said "my brother, yes he is arrived here after soo many years to stay in India and most importantly my brother was he's friend. Raj, pravin and hrash know about him..." Priya look at her.

"Ooo..., Shivani than introduce me with him, he must be like you. actually i really want to meet him, in there college day's after there result they all were coming home to meet my mom,dad and me but before they could meet us they---, left this but you have to tell me how all this happened..ok?" Priya asked and Shivani nodded.

"You first go and fresh up yourself than we will talk" Priya said and they all went to there respective room. Priya was walking towards her room that time Aditya come from guest room as it was placed beside Priya's room. they both look at each other than said in usion "you..". Priya asked "what are you doing here mr arrogant?"

Aditya said "Ooye madam, for your kind information i have a name.. Aditya gu---" "what ever you're name will be,i don't care. And how you came here?, who gave you permission to enter?, this place is not for rude and money hungry people" Priya said.

Again money hungry and rude, Aditya feel sad and also angry on her. He was now tired of hearing this from everyone, he said in anger "excuse me miss..i  respectful asked you,as i now it was my mistake, If a person gives money as compensation for something that has been damaged by them, he is not hungry for money, he is asking for forgiveness for the wrong he has done by paying that money."

"Haa.. i know--i know that. you don't have to told me about this okay..., and ha.. mr. Rude, can you please tell from with whom permission u enter and what the reason you are in my house that to entering from our guest room...did you came here to steal something?.." priya asked, first she called Aditya as money hungry and rude and now she thinks that he is a thief, he get now angry.

"Enough..., i am not a thief Mrs arrogant, i enter here on Nandini aunty means Mrs Mahajan's permission..," aditya said in anger 'mummy gave you permission' she said to herself "did you have any problem mrs.arrogent?, and if you don't believe than you can go and ask the way, How are you here?, I mean have you come here to steal?, from your clothes it doesn't seem like it--" aditya asked her but she cut off him.

"No Mr rude, for your kind information I live here, i am the only daughter of that lady who gave you permission to enter.. PRIYA MAHAJAN" she said, Aditya stopped for a while there as he couldn't believe in his ear. Actually he knows that Raj have a younger sister but he never saw her, he's chian of thoughts Brock when she asked him"and about you?".

"Actually I'm your brother's friend and your sister-in-law's older brother.. ADITYA GUPTA." he said now Priya stopped there, she was now standing there like a statue. She was just looking at him, the person who she wants to meet is him. What she thought about him he was completely different. As she was thinking, in reality they both saw eachother's different look it's not there actual.

She came out of her thoughts when he asked, "anything else?" Priya didn't said anything she just nodded negatively and went towards her room for freshuping herself. Aditya left from there towards Mansi, he knocked on her door and enter in. He saw he's aunty was sitting on bed, he walked towards her and sit beside her. He held her hand and squeeze it, a tear fall from her eye.

"Don't cry maa.." he said wiping her tear from his thumb. "No..aadi, i am not crying it's my happy tear. I am soo happy that you meet your friends after so many years. But are you going back again?" Mansi asked and he nodded negatively. "Really" she asked again "yes maa.., i complete my education and earned some money also before coming here. I have to fixed so many things now, i have to complete my uncle's dream and I know that i can do it now... after all you all are with me."

He said, they both were sitting there talking than he got a call so he excuse himself and come out of room for talking.

Whlie on other side Priya come from her bathroom, she was sitting in front of mirror thinking "i thought that Shivani's brother must be like her sweet but he was not like her, and after all he was mr Rakesh Gupta's son. I heard lot about mr Rakesh Gupta, he was famous in business world for his behaviour and he is his son,than he must be Also like him"

She got up from dressing table and went towards dinning room. She meet between Shivani in living room they both sit there and Shivani explain her everything. Priya now understand how the misunderstanding creat. They both now going to enter in dinning room that time Raj and Aditya meet them. They all enter in dinning room and started there dinner.

After dinner aditya said "okay than Maa ,Shivani, Raj i need to go now" "where aadi?" Mansi asked "i need to go back to home now maa" he said "no Aditya, you will live here onwards" aanad said. "No.. uncle, there is no need for this --" "yes aadi, you will live here onwards, actuclly i case a file against mr Rakesh. Not for one but for many things. and if you will go back then definitely he will do something so..i think until the result you should live here with us" Raj said.

Aditya first was hesitant to stay here, but on everyone's request he get ready for this. Priya didn't said anything until Nandini said "you can use that guest room, beside the Priya's room." "Why mom?, means we have lost of room here you can gave him any one of them" she said giving her darery look at him. "That was too small and some of them was not properly ready, Aditya you can use that guest room okay" Nandini said. As Priya know that no one going to listen her so she leave towards her room, everyone left to there respective room.

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