chapter 28

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*Priya POV*

I was playing with the kids on beach when I saw Aditya talking on phone.

As he was far away from me i couldn't hear what he was saying. He was talking on phone with someone but who will call him...

It must be that sakshi..., she is the only one who can call him. Oh god, why only this sakshi name girl's are my enimies?.

He was talking while smiling, i look away when i heard children calling my name...

"Priya didi, come and play with us" a little girl said and i nodded happily.

"By the way, where is Riya?" I asked a little girl.

"Didi she was doing her homework, i told her that you are here, she said she is coming..." Little girl said and i nodded.

"Priya didi...." I heard Riya's voice and she run towards me. I quickly hugged her as she come.
I kiss on her forehead and asked "how are you my doll?"

Ya, I call her doll, she really look like a little cute doll. I also want a little girl like her after my marriage...

She nodded and asked me pointing behind me "di, is he is your boyfriend?"

I turned around only to found Aditya. He smiled and come towards us. "Yes..." He said and i look at him.

"Mean's I'm a boy and her friend also, so in this way also I'm her boyfriend" he said.

I Look at him in confusion, what he mean by in this way also?

I was going to ask him but he said "don't you want to play" and Riya nodded happily.

I put her down and she took me and Aditya with her, we both played with children's there.

we don't know when time passed. We said bye to children and come back to our car.

I sit on the passenger sit and Aditya gave me a water bottle. Actually he needs water, but he is giving it to me first.

We literally played like a kid, forgetting everything. We both are panting heavily and sweating hardly.

I took the bottle and was drinking water but my eyes were not taking off from him. He was completely drenched in sweat, his white shirt sticking to his muscular body.

He was looking facking sexy, i couldn't control myself from looking at him. Then he open his first button and eyes get stuck on his bear chest.

Then my eyes travel from his chest to neck, from neck to lips, I saw a smirk so i look at he's eyes only to found he was looking at me.

I quickly look away in embrace. 'ooo god, what i did?' i said myself. But still my mind was not ready to look away, I saw for my side eye he's was smiling.

I again tried to not look at him, specially in his eyes. I get lost in that beautiful eyes.

Then he hold my hand and i look at him, my heart bit was rising fast. Then he took the bottle with he's other hand.

But he was still holding my hand, and trying to open the bottle with one hand. "If you will use your this hand, than that bottle while open quickly" i said

He removed his hand and started drinking water, don't know why but i was really enjoying this.

Butterfly was dancing in my stomach by he's touch, i look myself in Side mirror of the car my cheeks was red, I was blushing....

I really love his company, the way he took care of me, protect me and tried to keep me always happy... It's attract me towards him.

I think Shivani was telling truth...

My thought of chain Brock when i heard a phone rang. It was Aditya's phone, he look at the caller ID and then look at me.

But he took that phone, still maintaining the eye contact. "Hello, miss sakshi" and rolled my eyes and look away.

"Ok, continue. Collect the data also" he was explaining her work and I'm getting jealous here...

I swaer if she was standing here than I would have answered her well. After so many years together, he is acting so freely.

I know his company is in loss but  he has not left all the work, I am sure he has explained all the work to her properly. But still she has to ask one thing again and again.

"Okay, than where you want to go now?" He asked me suddenly and i look at him.

So he's done with talking with her. "No, now I want to go home now" i said.

"Why?, we still have time, it's only 6:00 clock." He said

I look at him, I was really angry on him. Don't know why but why he can't understand it that sakshi have crush on him and she was behaving like this only for his attention...

"Aadi, i said i want to go home now, and you have also work go your p.a must have something difficulty in her work..." I said in anger

"Priya don't be angry, she just call me for disscuing the work... that's it " he said.

"I know JUST FOR WORK " i said.

"Are you bilnd? can't you see she have crush on you, she loves you... that's why she is behaving like this.. she just want your attention.."

"But never feel like this for her, she is just my p.a and i respect her." Hearing this my mood light up and smile apper on my face, my mind calmed automatically
And i asked

"you really don't have feelings for her..." And he nodded and smiled.

"How can I fall for her when i already fall in love with someone" he said looking at me.

He eyes was shining brightly when he said this but wait he already love someone, here this i feel sad.

"whom?" I asked.

"You will get a know when the right time came" he said and started the car...

Ooo so he loves someone, it means he didn't like me but the way he look at me I saw something in his eyes that was telling me something.

Why I'm feeling like he loves me, why hearing he's in love with someone else i feel sad, why?

Did Shivani was telling true, am i really love him?

"Yes you are Priya," my subconscious mind said but what should I do now, he already love someone...

I really love him, but it's too late... Somehow i dare to ask him "are you happy with her, did she also loves you like you do?"

"Yes, she also loves me a lot and ya, I'm sure we both were live happily with eachother." He answered Again looking at me.

But why I'm feeling like he was talking about me?, 'it's must be because i love him...'

I heard a car horns and i come from my thoughts land. I look at him he was driving carefully without looking away.

Soon we reached home and i directly enter in without any saying anything.

Thankfully no one was there in living room so I directly come to my room and lock it.

I sit on my bed thinking about him, but someone knock on door, i open it only to found the person whom I didn't expect...

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:✩

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