Chapter 9

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On the first day of December, a cold Friday morning greeted Isabelle with a chill. Despite the cold, she embraced it eagerly, as Christmas drew near. From her window, she admired the festive decorations adorning the streets. However, she knew she had to prepare for school.

Arriving at school, Isabelle was among the first students to arrive. She decided to use the time to study, knowing that exams were scheduled for the following week.

As the day progressed, Isabelle looked forward to the upcoming Christmas holiday, anticipating the chance to rest and enjoy the festivities.

As the room filled with students, their professor finally arrived.

"Happy December 1," Emma whispered from beside her, and Isabelle grinned.

"I'm excited, Emma. I can't quite explain this feeling," Isabelle said, giggling softly. Emma found it amazing and adorable, as it was the first time she had seen Isabelle like this.

As usual, the hours passed slowly, but the two girls remained lively.

"Now it's time to go home after a few hours of battling sleepiness and everything," Emma said.

"Are you coming?" Emma asked.

"Where to?" Isabelle inquired.

"To my aunt's again," Emma smirked.

"I was there on Tuesday. I can't be there all the time," Isabelle replied.

"You're always like that, even though my aunt doesn't really mind if you stay there," Emma said, laughing and rolling her eyes.

"Uh, maybe tomorrow? I also need to rest, you know, for myself... some alone time?" Isabelle suggested, smiling.

As they bid farewell, Emma uttered, "Oh, okay, I guess same. We also need our alone time. Okay, I'll see you!" Isabelle waved in response as they went their separate ways.

Deciding to visit the cafe near their school first, Isabelle realized she hadn't been there in weeks.

Upon entering, the aroma embraced her, comforting her senses with the familiar scent of caffeine. Something seemed different this time-the cafe had a new addition. Nestled in a corner was a small library, boasting about 20-30 books.

She joined the line and, after a few minutes, placed her order for a hot coffee. It was a choice she hadn't made in a long time.

While ordering, a captivating aroma captured her attention, filling her senses with its delightful scent.

"Hot coffee? I didn't expect that," Yvonne remarked upon overhearing Isabelle's order.

"Yvonne, what a surprise to see you here," Isabelle greeted with a smile.

"Could you order the same drink for me?" Yvonne requested, her gaze hinting at someone nearby.

"Of course."

After a brief wait, their drinks arrived, but as Isabelle reached for her purse to pay, the cashier intervened.

"Someone's already taken care of it," the cashier announced, prompting Isabelle's knowing nod.

With their beverages in hand, Isabelle joined Yvonne at their table.

"Really? You're too kind. Now I feel like the pauper," Isabelle quipped, lightening the mood.

"Consider it a gift," Yvonne insisted, handing Isabelle her hot coffee.

"So, what's with the change? Hot coffee today?" Yvonne inquired.

Isabelle shrugged in response. "Maybe I missed the taste?"

After taking a sip of her hot coffee, Isabelle suddenly burned her tongue.

Burning DesireWhere stories live. Discover now