Chapter 4

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Isabelle's week raced by, a whirlwind of schoolwork and projects. Each day brought new challenges, with deadlines looming. Balancing assignments felt like a sprint, a fast-paced juggling act between textbooks and laptops. Isabelle faced it all with determination, looking forward to a well-deserved break when the frenzy would finally end.

Friday evening. School was over, but Isabelle remained in the library. A few others joined her, all silent workers. Amidst the quiet, she focused on her tasks, determined to finish despite the day's end.

Without realizing it, fatigue finally overcame Isabelle, and she drifted into slumber amidst her books. The librarian's gentle reminder stirred her awake, signaling the lateness of the hour. Quickly gathering her things, Isabelle thanked the librarian and made her way out, the quiet halls of the school now echoing with the soft shuffle of her footsteps.

Stepping outside, Isabelle was greeted by a chilly November evening. The crisp air wrapped around her, a stark reminder that autumn was in full swing. She pulled her jacket tighter, the hint of winter on the breeze. The school's facade cast long shadows as she made her way home, the quiet streets adorned with the rustle of fallen leaves underfoot.

As Isabelle strolled along, the brisk November air causing a shiver, her attention was drawn to a familiar, tall figure outside a luxury brand store. Upon a closer look, she recognized Yvonne, engrossed in conversation with someone over the phone. Shyness held Isabelle back from approaching, so she decided to continue her walk, letting the distance linger between them on the quiet street.

A sudden sensation of a hand enveloping her from behind jolted Isabelle, and she nearly let out a scream. Startled, she turned to find Emma standing there, a mischievous grin on her face. The shock lingered in Isabelle's expression as she tried to process the unexpected encounter.

"What the hell are you doing now?" Isabelle exclaimed, quickly composing herself, while Emma burst into laughter.

"I'm with my aunt. I thought you had gone home earlier," Emma explained.

"I went to the library," Isabelle replied, still recovering from the surprise encounter.

"Well, come and join us, we're going to have dinner," Emma suggested, tugging on Isabelle's hand.

"What? No, I can't." Isabelle hesitated, not wanting to impose on Emma's family.

"Come on, now," Emma insisted, calling out to Yvonne, who stood across the street. "Auntie!" she shouted, grabbing Yvonne's attention.

"Oh my- you little..." Isabelle began, her protest cut short as Emma successfully pulled her towards her aunt.

"Hello there, Isabelle," Yvonne greeted, looking at the young girl."Can she come with us to dinner?" Emma asked.

"I don't see why not," Yvonne replied, welcoming Isabelle to join them for the evening meal.

"Hello, thank you again for letting me stay at your place last week," Isabelle expressed with gratitude.

Yvonne smiled at her. "No worries at all. Next time you two plan to go out, Just be sure to let me know first," she said with a friendly tone.

The three of them continued their walk, Isabelle unsure of where they would eat. Suddenly, a familiar logo appeared - it was Burger King.

"I convinced her to eat here," Emma said with a wink.

Isabelle couldn't help but imagine how delicious it would be, it had been a while since she had tasted a burger. As they entered the restaurant and placed their orders, Isabelle couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed - it was, after all, Yvonne's treat.

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