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Valdis searched for a while and saw many things that could help improve superpowers but not a single one that could help her awaken them. But she was not disappointed if awakening was so easy many people would have superpowers and it would not be something rare. Just from the ratio of superpower and a normal person you can determine that there are not many superpowers in the world. 

Valdis steeled her resolve and continued looking for the next 16 hours. After this also she didn't find anything. So she took a break had something to eat and went to sleep. Valdis wanted to take a proper rest and search again when she was in her optimum condition in this way she would be able to get better results. 

The next day she woke up after 6 hours of sleep. Just in a few minutes got ready had breakfast and opened deep web. This time she first went to the platinum membership card to learn more about membership. There she saw that there is still Diamond level and Black level membership above it. Black level being the highest and Diamond level being second highest on this deep web. Her platinum level is the third highest and she also has many privileges. When she makes some posts she will get priority to be on top of other members. If she opens a virtual store there is some discount on trade and good store location. If she purchases something then she will have a discount. Stores that are below Platinum level cannot stop her from entering and she also has many other powers in the stores. 

All these powers look very enticing but there are only 27 platinum members issued by Deep Web yet. For the Diamond level there are only 15 and Black level only 7 are in existence and not all are issued yet. In actuality, numerous people on the deep web are very powerful on their planets or even have a certain standing in the galaxy but all are ordinary people on the deep web. This makes Valdis realize the importance of her platinum membership and that it is not so easy to acquire.

She also wondered how her parents were able to get the membership but currently, it was not time to wonder about that. So she went back to her search. She studied all the privileges of platinum membership and finally, she found one which made her very excited. All the above privileges might be good but this one is truly helpful and useful to her right now. 

In the column, she saw there was a search engine where she can search thrice a month and she will not have to search manually. She can use this to search only three things a month with her platinum membership but it will sort out everything she is searching for and also all the stores will become visible. If you are wondering why the search option is very useful then it is very simple. On the deep web no search bar's why Valdis was searching manually all the virtual stores yesterday. 

This search option is not at all available to ordinary members or silver class members and the gold class only has 1 search right every 3 months. There should be billions of people on the deep web from across the galaxy and millions of stores out there. It is not easy to find something from this. So the importance of the search bar can be felt from this.

Valdis entered 'how to awaken superpower as a normal person and its resources' on the search bar and clicked enter. There were numerous columns and posts about superpowers on the list and also some which were inaccessible. She understood that it should be for stores of diamond level or above. So she just skipped through it and started opening other relevant entries one by one. The titles given were all true and to the point so Valdis didn't need to worry about wasting her time on click baits. 

She clicked on one forum that seemed to be explaining something about superpowers how they came about, their evolution, and how to improve, and at the side, there was a small discussion on whether normal people can awaken them. When she entered the forum she saw that the forum was at platinum level and her platinum membership was really useful otherwise even if she got deep web she would have to work a lot and she might not even have a chance to come into contact with such forums.

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