Snowboarder Shiori

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With winter nearly over, it makes sense to at least try some of the more seasonal activities. Maybe building a snowman, making snow angels, or even having a snowball fight would seem reasonable. However...

"Alright! Here I go!" shouts Shiori.

Unexpectedly, or maybe expectedly, she shreds down the mountainside on a snowboard, cutting a curved path in the snow. Despite wearing thick gloves and boots, the chill in the air seeps into your fingers and toes. Somehow, she seems completely unaffected by the cold as she laughs and cheers. In a flash, she slides right up to you, covering your lower half in snow.

"Haha, did you see that?"


Your heart swells with pride as Shiori looks at you with excitement in her eyes, the thrill of conquering the slopes evident on her flushed face. You can't help but grin in response to her infectious laughter, proud of the snowboarding skills she's developed under your guidance.

"That was amazing!" you exclaim, shaking off the snow from your legs. Shiori's enthusiasm is contagious, and you can't help but marvel at her progress since that first awkward attempt on the snowboard. The mountainside has become her playground, and the confidence in her every move reflects the time and effort the two of you have invested in her learning, just so you could spend more time together.

As she adjusts her goggles, Shiori beams with a mixture of accomplishment and sheer joy. It's a testament to her determination and your patient instruction. The crisp mountain air seems to echo her triumph, and you find yourself swept up in the magic of the winter moment.

"Remember when you were wobbling all over the place?" you tease, reminiscing about those initial shaky rides. "Now look at you, carving through the snow like a pro."

Shiori chuckles, the sound harmonizing with the surrounding mountains. The memories of her first hesitant turns are a stark contrast to the confident glides she now effortlessly executes. Your efforts to share the joy of snowboarding with her have paid off, and it's a gratifying feeling to witness her newfound skill and passion.

"Thanks for teaching me," Shiori says, a genuine expression of gratitude in her eyes.

"Of course! What are friends for?" you reply, as the two of you head back to the lodge to warm up for the evening.

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