Part 230- Emily Rudd

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After a while she talked about how he contacted her, how he helped with some dealings that got her the car commercials and a role in the Fast movie while getting out from a lot of the tacked on marvel requirements in her contract. When the only thing he asked in those few years was to start keeping tabs on you and she was happy to help, but then she started to feel icky about it all and just didn't know how else to tell you until she just decided to. You explained to her your situation and she seemed to be thrilled and terrified all the same about what it all meant. You even clued her in about the big meeting happening months out and this seemed to perk her up as she had been hearing rumors about this. You asked her to keep finding out and feeding them whatever they wanted and she said she would, now that she had come clean to you. You went to leave and she quickly stopped you to show you a name Grayson had sent her to ask for your help with.

Emily Rudd was an actress who had gained some steam within Netflix following the Fear Street movies and her role in the very successful live action adaption of the anime One Piece

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Emily Rudd was an actress who had gained some steam within Netflix following the Fear Street movies and her role in the very successful live action adaption of the anime One Piece. Luckily you were still in town where they were doing some filming on a lot for season two and your connections within Netflix made it easy to get onto the lot and poke around z eventual finding her talking with extras between takes as you introduced yourself to Emily who shook your head and smiled as she said she knew who you were because of Sadie and having met with Brie Larson not to long ago. You worked this to your advantage and made small talk before she had to get back to set but she asked that you wait for her in her trailer and gave you the trailer number. You said you would and watched some of the filming before talking with some crew to gather more names for upcoming projects before heading to the trailer, which surprisingly spacious as her room alone seemed almost like a standalone hotel room, with a nice lounge chair and a big TV.

You spent a few hours texting Karen and Alexandra while getting a call from Eliza about her anxiety that Danica was gonna ask her to marry her, something they talked about but only if things in their lives were settled and good and things were bot...

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You spent a few hours texting Karen and Alexandra while getting a call from Eliza about her anxiety that Danica was gonna ask her to marry her, something they talked about but only if things in their lives were settled and good and things were both settled and good. You said the commitment was huge and struggled with it yourself so you understood but that she would know the right answer when and if it was asked. She just had to hope Danica would understand. Eliza seemed to take it to heart and thanked you before caught up some gossip and business dealings within the industry as Emily eventually came storming in, seizing you up as she grinned after a moment and said she had an hour break so things needed to happen and fast. You chuckled and said you understood the assignment.

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