but only when it's you darling

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It has been a month since jungkook confessed his feelings to tzuyu , but the only thing he received from her was " I don't know sunbaenim" . Jungkook told tzuyu he would wait for her answer.

Tzuyu didn't answer Jungkook not because she didn't like him or something but she actually wasn't sure if jungkook loved her for who she is but rather only for her body.

Let's go to 2 weeks back at 2016 mama awards.

Tzuyu had a crush on jungkook since the day BTS had debuted, but she always kept it as normal fairytale crush which will never be true . But damn she didn't knew that Jeon jungkook always had his eyes on her . Noticing every little detail of tzuyu , watching her fancams , and her moments.
How tzuyu's hour glass figure moved with her goddess like beauty and her cute character. No wonder lots of male idols have a huge crush on her.

But jungkook didn't like that at all cause he had a motto "what's mine is mine" that's why he even warned his own idol friends to stay away from her . He can't even stand the thought of other male or females who are lesbian being near tzuyu or even look at tzuyu. Jungkook was even insecure of other twice members, thinking what if they were gay ? Especially sana as many once shipped tzuyu and sana too .

but jungkook can't control that can he because their job was to show their lifestyle to public, So one day he decided to confess , Jungkook wasn't afraid of getting rejected by tzuyu because he would make her as his anyhow. By her concern or by force. He will not let her slide out of his hand .

Twice performance was over an hour ago, so they were done changing their outfit . As tzuyu wore this

 As tzuyu wore this

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( Her hairstyle)

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( Her hairstyle)

Tzuyu signed as the dress was too revealing but she got no choice as the company is just trying to grab more attention from public by giving female idols too much revealing clothes and as a visual of the biggest girl group right now , it was obvious that company would play dirty.

But soon twice heard a knock on the door, as nayeon opened it , it was an unknown person who looked like some staff. As nayeon raised her eyebrows.

Nayeon: what do you want sir ?

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