Chapter 69: Kuma the Warlord

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As Kuma approached you, the Warlord instantly noticing what kind of state you were in, he looked down at you and spoke the words, "If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go?" Obviously, you didn't answer. Kuma looked at you in almost pity - almost. He raised his hand slowly, knowing you wouldn't protest before beginning to bring it down, "Help fix this world, Y/n." 

Luffy watched in horror as he realized that no matter how hard he tried to run faster he wouldn't make it. He called out to you in one more desperate attempt, "Run, Y/n!

For some reason, this snapped you out of your blank stare as you saw Kuma's paw heading straight towards you. 

It felt as if it was happening in slow motion. 

You turned your head to your captain. 

His heart began to ache and cry as he watched the corners of your lips slowly lift into a bitter smile. Your eyes just barley gaining life as they locked with his and the inner parts of your eyebrows rose up. Luffy could tell that you had accepted it, that you accepted your fate, but even so he couldn't accept it himself. He watched as your lips parted to say two words to him before you had disappeared right in front of his eyes. 

"Thank you.


I stay laid on the ground for a little after I had finally landed from flying in the air for so long. I stared at the dark trees around me, the sky matching it's ominous look. 

Where am I?

Despite the curiosity and the confusion, I found great comfort on the ground not even caring if an animal or human should take advantage of my state. The grass and shrubs around me seemed dead and engulfing me was a crater of stone in the shape of a paw print. 

I could hear footsteps approaching me and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of a person or people would live in such a dark and depressing place. My fight or flight senses seemed to have been worn out since I couldn't care less if this person was capable of hurting me or not. 

"Bartholomew Kuma," The person muttered under their breath as they neared me, making a correct assumption after seeing the outline of the crater I was in. The began to walk closer to me and the person I saw next had brought me back from the traumatic accident that had just happened. He looked down at me with those same eyes that had made me nervous a few weeks ago. Glazed with amusement and portraying how intrigued he was, his eyes seemed to glow in contrast of the dark surroundings, "You." 

I had found the strength to sit up on my elbows, grimacing at the sharp pain that had hit me on my shoulder. I looked back up at him, but this time it wasn't with uneasiness or nervousness nor was it fear of the difference of our powers. This time I had matched his gaze, just as intrigued though I had nothing to say. 

The man matched my gaze for a a few seconds before turning his back, "Come." When he noticed that I wasn't moving him he looked over his shoulder, "Do not tell me you're to weak to even move." 


My crew-mates faces flashed in my head and that was all the motivation that I needed to push through the sharp pains and soreness in my body and get out of the crater. I limped behind him, following him to a huge castle. The architecture was beautiful and if it hadn't been run down and old it wouldn't have fit the rest of the islands aesthetic. I followed him inside the huge mansion and he led me to a room full of medical supplies. 

"I trust you're educated enough to know how to help yourself," He spoke a the entrance of the door, his eyes trained on me as I walk past him and into the room. 

I look around, not bothering to respond to his words as I scanned the room for anything that I needed. I turned to him as he turned away and went to leave, speaking up for the first time, "Why are you helping me?" 

He stopped in his tracks, but he didn't bother to face me nor did he reply. 

Given his silence, I took a step towards him and spoke with curiosity, "You work for the government and I am wanted as not only a member of the Strawhat crew, but also princess of Sinthaya. So why help me? Why not just turn me in?" 

The Warlord looked over his shoulder slightly, his eyes intimidating me slightly as he matches my gaze. He doesn't say anything though, instead he turns back around and continues to walk away. 

It's not like he had to say anything. 

I grabbed bandages, rubbing alcohol, needles, and every other medical equipment I needed and knew how to use. Plopping myself down on the bed that was pushed to the very right corner of the room, I begin to lift my clothes revealing gashes and scrapes along with old bandages from Thriller Bark. 

He doesn't seem like the kind of person to care about what the government wants or  money and rewards. It just would've been nice to know what was going on in his head.

I let an exhale out as I tighten the bandage around my thigh before finishing it up. I lean back against the wall and look towards the door, the image of him and our interaction replaying in my head, "Of all people, Dracule Mihawk, huh?"

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